Extension:CentralNotice/cn notice log table

Fields edit

Stores details on all the campaigns known to CentralNotice.

notlog_id edit

Primary key. Identifying key for the campaign.

notlog_timestamp edit

Foreign key.

notlog_user_id edit

Foreign key.

notlog_action edit

notlog_not_id edit

Foreign key.

notlog_not_name edit

notlog_begin_projects edit

notlog_end_projects edit

notlog_begin_languages edit

notlog_end_languages edit

notlog_begin_countries edit

notlog_end_countries edit

notlog_begin_start edit

notlog_end_start edit

notlog_begin_end edit

notlog_end_end edit

notlog_begin_enabled edit

notlog_end_enabled edit

notlog_begin_preferred edit

notlog_end_preferred edit

notlog_begin_throttle edit

notlog_end_throttle edit

notlog_begin_locked edit

notlog_end_locked edit

notlog_begin_geo edit

notlog_end_geo edit

notlog_begin_banners edit

notlog_end_banners edit

notlog_begin_buckets edit

notlog_end_buckets edit

notlog_begin_mobile_carrier edit

notlog_end_mobile_carrier edit

notlog_begin_weight edit

notlog_end_weight edit

notlog_begin_archived edit

notlog_end_archived edit

notlog_begin_mixins edit

notlog_end_mixins edit

notlog_comment edit

Schema summary edit

mysql> describe cn_notice_log;
| Field                       | Type                                 | Null | Key | Default  | Extra          |
| notlog_id                   | int(10) unsigned                     | NO   | PRI | NULL     | auto_increment |
| notlog_timestamp            | binary(14)                           | NO   | MUL | NULL     |                |
| notlog_user_id              | int(10) unsigned                     | NO   | MUL | NULL     |                |
| notlog_action               | enum('created','modified','removed') | NO   |     | modified |                |
| notlog_not_id               | int(10) unsigned                     | NO   | MUL | NULL     |                |
| notlog_not_name             | varbinary(255)                       | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_projects       | varbinary(255)                       | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_projects         | varbinary(255)                       | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_languages      | blob                                 | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_languages        | blob                                 | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_countries      | blob                                 | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_countries        | blob                                 | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_start          | binary(14)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_start            | binary(14)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_end            | binary(14)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_end              | binary(14)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_enabled        | tinyint(1)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_enabled          | tinyint(1)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_preferred      | tinyint(1)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_preferred        | tinyint(1)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_throttle       | int(11)                              | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_throttle         | int(11)                              | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_locked         | tinyint(1)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_locked           | tinyint(1)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_geo            | tinyint(1)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_geo              | tinyint(1)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_banners        | blob                                 | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_banners          | blob                                 | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_buckets        | tinyint(1)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_buckets          | tinyint(1)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_mobile_carrier | int(11)                              | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_mobile_carrier   | int(11)                              | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_weight         | int(11)                              | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_weight           | int(11)                              | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_archived       | tinyint(4)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_archived         | tinyint(4)                           | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_begin_mixins         | blob                                 | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_end_mixins           | blob                                 | YES  |     | NULL     |                |
| notlog_comment              | varbinary(255)                       | YES  |     | NULL     |                |