AboutBlueSpice 发行状态: 稳定版 |
描述 | Provides information about BlueSpice. |
作者 | Hallo Welt! GmbH |
维护者 | Hallo Welt! GmbH |
最新版本 | 4.5 |
兼容性政策 | 对于每个有长期支持的MediaWiki发行版本,扩展内都有对应的分支。 |
MediaWiki | 1.39 (LTS) |
许可协议 | 僅限GNU通用公眾授權條款3.0 |
下載 | |
季度下載量 | 7 (Ranked 131st) |
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About BlueSpice offers an information page, which is delivered with every edition of an BlueSpice MediaWiki distribution.
This extension provides users with additional information from an external source (e.g., a page from a content management system).
It was developed for marketing reasons, so that people come via a link to an included external page.
The content is embedded via an Iframe.
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