Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2014-03-18
ECT quarterly review
- Let's make sure to ask our stakeholders questions where we can use their response to guide our actions
GSoC/OPW submissions
- Unclear what is a microtask and who has the responsibility to assign & define it
- is geographical diversity improving?
Data Developer Hub
- We need to align plans, meeting this Thursday
- Then we can start with basic decisions: where, what tech, the team...
- Sumana will be the tech writer
- There is a related OPW project idea
- Beatiful, easy to use, something that developers with no idea about MediaWiki or Wikimedia can learn from and use
- includes stuff for multiple learning styles - TL;DR, longer tutorial, etc.
Wikimedia Hackathon
- getting things done?
- set up goals, have - style roundup + blog roundup of accomplishments/code written
- Let's encourage local folks in other countries, e.g., India, to put on their own hackathons! Funding is available.