Editing team/Community Conversations

Welcome! The Editing Team uses this page to document the outcomes of the conversations we host to better understand the needs and challenges people experience when they begin contributing to Wikipedia.

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Past conversations

Mockup of Paste Check User Experience – 29 October 2024

Date: 17:30 UTC
Subject: Edit check discussion with Open Foundation West Africa volunteers. This conversation is also open to any volunteer interested in the subject.
Video conference link: https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/85700503885
Main meeting language: English

Knowing more about Edit check: current checks and upcoming projects around copy/pasting, multi-checks and more!

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  • 13 volunteers joined the 29 October Community Conversation, including one person who is brand new to editing Wikipedia.
  • Of the ~5 volunteers who spoke during the meeting, all expressed enthusiasm for Edit Check and its potential to help newcomers feel encouraged and clear about how to contribute to Wikipedia.
  • In response to the first iteration of the Paste Check user experience we shared, volunteers noted:
    • The value of adding a confirmation step before the text people pasted into an article is deleted
    • It might be more intuitive to people who are new to frame the reason for Paste Check appearing as being about plagiarism.
    • How supported they felt by Edit Check expressing gratitude to people regardless of how they respond to the choice the Paste Check is presenting to them: Keep the content they pasted or Remove it
    • Knowing Paste Check exists helps them – as a reader – to feel more confident in what they read on Wikipedia.
  • One volunteer described Edit Check as "2-step verification for edits" which resonated with everyone present.

3 July 2024 Editing Team Community Meeting
Date: 17:30 UTC
Subject: Edit check : Expanding Edit Check
Video conference link: Zoom
Main meeting language: English
  • CopyVio Check: learn what volunteers think of the proposed user experience for the initial version of the CopyVio Check
  • Real-time Checks: learn what volunteers think about a version of Edit Check that would show people feedback, in real-time.
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~10 English-speaking volunteers with varying levels of wiki-experience joined the 3 July 2024 conversation to discuss copyrights in the context of Edit Check.

The ideas that emerged during the meeting are documented below.


  • Volunteers present were unanimously supportive of an Edit Check that would prompt newcomers to consider whether the content they are adding could create a copyright violation.
  • Several volunteers experienced with training newcomers were present, all of whom shared that the newcomers they've supported are NOT familiar with the concept of copyright
  • Voluneers were in agreement, that newcomers are willing to follow instructions that they perceive as being intended to help Wikipedia.
    • Reason being: the newcomers they are experienced supporting are often are arriving to contribute clear about Wikipedia's importance and motivated to help the project.
  • Volunteers emphasized that we need to continue assuming that the newcomers who will encounter Edit Check are likely to being seeing concepts/terms like copyright, reliability, neural point of view, etc. for the first time. As such, it's crucial that Edit Check use language and terminology that people are likely to recognize and understand.

Date: 16:00 UTC (18:00 CEST)
Subject: Edit check : nouveau prototype
Video conference link: Zoom
Main meeting language: français

Après le succès de Edit Check suggérant d'ajouter une référence, il est temps pour l'équipe Editing de confirmer le succès de ce système avec un nouveau prototype. Nous vous invitons à une conversation communautaire, où nous vous présenterons les résultats du check sur l'ajout de références, puis nous réfléchirons ensemble aux erreurs les plus communes des novices lors de l'édition, afin de réfléchir au prochain prototype.

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New Checks ideas:

  • Help in structuring an article
  • Helping to ensure text coherence and conciseness
  • Checking copy/paste
    • Some people take pieces of source material and paste them together, which is illegal (and demotivating, as these modifications are deleted). Checking that an action it's not a copy/paste could inform users of not doing it.
  • Suggest good sources when editing.
  • Edit Check currently identifies sources rejected by a community.
  • Find/Suggest previously used sources
    • Yes, if they are within the article. No, if they are elsewhere. And some sources that are suitable for an article are not necessarily suitable elsewhere.
  • Suggest modifications to articles from other editions of Wikipedia (translations; be careful to master this tool).

Some side notes:

  • "I was able to participate more easily when someone helped me."
  • You need to take your time reading the rules.
  • As long as you haven't gained any experience, you're not approved as an editor.
  • Beware of smaller wikis, which don't always have as many rules or templates to enable participation.

South Asia Open Community Call
18 February 2024, 18:00 UTC+0530
Presentation of Editing and Growth features.


Editing team Community Conversations: 2022, 2023, 2024
