Discovery/Status updates/2018-04-16

This is the weekly update for the week starting 2018-04-16

Highlights edit

Discussions edit

Search edit

  • Serbian-language wikis have been updated with a new language analyzer for search that does some stemming (so that related forms of a word can find each other) and handles the transliteration between the Serbian Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, which are both used in Serbian. [1]
  • ...and work on the plugin and re-indexing the wikis to allow the new Serbian alphabets to be used is also done [2] & [3] & [4]
  • Stas fixed some bugs for deep category search [5] [6]
  • Completion search for Lexemes merged [7]
  • Fixed some indexing errors [8]
  • Cirrus profile management has been updated to provide a standard way to override profile content [9]
  • Fixed issues with ElasticSearch latency alerts on ~15 wikis that had the issue [10]
