Discovery/Status updates/2016-10-24
This is the weekly update for the week starting 2016-10-24
- Show globe icon 🌐 next to all <maplinks> links
- Request for Comment - All map location names should be shown in the user's language
- Merge Kartographer with commons-on-osm
- Discussion and recommendations for the overall usability of the new search engine results page with the Design team
edit- Don't show the "results from other projects" box if empty
- Check to see if popularity_score is wrong in a lot of articles
- Disable highlighting on insource queries if experimental highlighter in not turned on
- Reindex search cluster for BM25 test
- Search works incorrectly when the query contains words used as namespace names and a colon (:)
- ask for translations for 'showing results from' (Polish, Dutch, Arabic and Chinese)
- Configure varnish to include wdqs nodes in codfw
- Started second BM25 A/B test (ja, zh, th)
- Turn on second BM25 test
- Fix in_array() expects parameter 2 to be an array or collection in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.28.0-wmf.22/extensions/CirrusSearch/includes/Search/RescoreBuilders.php on line 160
- Communicate to community the upcoming BM25 release
- [Recurring task] CirrusSearch: what is updated during re-indexing
- Review and fix the description of autocomplete profiles (completion suggester) in the Search preference tab
- Enable cross-wiki backend search functionality on it.wikipedia - we made it faster
- Enable GC (garbage collection) logs on Elasticsearch JVM
- Argument 2 passed to SearchEngine::processCompletionResults() must be an instance of SearchSuggestionSet, Elastica\Response in SearchEngine class
- [bug] cirrussearch fatal in 1.28.0-wmf.23 -
edit- Compare ZRR for query features across other search engines
- Investigate what we'd need to do to ignore double quotes in search queries
- Maps Dashboard: fix and update
- Analyze the variance of user-agent's, country, and other useful metrics of google referred traffic with and without a search query available in referrer
- Add a PaulScore approximation to
editPortal updates that got code reviews after rebasing - thanks!
edit- Deprecate <slippymap> provided by MapSources in favor of Kartographer's <mapframe>
- Illegal and unheralded removal of MapSourcesHooks::wfgeoLink function hook on dewikivoyage
- More details button should appear when map is loaded
- maps1002 does not run latest kartotherian
- Snapshot service not working with empty groups param
- Kartographer no longer displays external data credits
- Graph behaves differently on PHP7 - was fixed automagically
- <mapframe>/<maplink>: Invalid GeoJSON code in wgKartographerLiveData prevents drawing of maps at Wikivoyage
- Don't pollute history with map hashes
- Fix Governor's demo - party affiliations (needed a fix with WDQS SPARQL query - thanks, Stas!)
- Show wikidata query results as map markers
- Support geomask externaldata in Kartotherian
- Geoshape service should return map mask polygon with holes
Interactive tickets completed this week, but awaiting next train in order to be deployed: Nov 1, 2016:
- Use maps snapshot service until user interacts (click/mouseover?)
- Geoshape service should return map mask polygon with holes
- Show preview with static maps is broken
- [Bug] GeoData\Searcher fatal error in 1.28-wmf.23
- Support data.get() with optional language param
- Remove static background from mapframes after going dynamic
Interactive Ops Tasks
edit- WV layers dropdown bug on
- Maps - move traffic to eqiad instead of codfw
- Configure new maps servers in eqiad
- Unmet dependencies around postgis apt packages on maps* servers
- increase replication factor for system_auth keyspace on maps / cassandra
- Upgrade PostGIS on maps servers to version 2.2+
- Maps-test was created with incorrect initial encoding
- Update Node on Maps to v4.6.0
- elastic2020 is powered off and does not want to restart
- Maps - error when doing initial tiles generation: "Error: could not create converter for SQL_ASCII""
Events and News
- Something goes here
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Something goes here
Did you know?
- Something goes here
- Something goes here
- View all open tickets related to Discovery.
- Looking to get involved? See tasks marked as Easy or volunteer needed