Discovery/Status updates/2016-10-03
< Discovery | Status updates
This is the weekly update for the week starting 2016-10-03
edit- Elasticsearch doesn't offer language analyzers for every language that we have wikis in, so sometimes we fall back to a language analyzer of a (linguistically or geopolitically) related language. This can lead to unexpected effects—such as changes in the Russian language analyzer affecting Ukrainian; or changes needed for Ukrainian maybe having to be made in the Russian language analyzer, unless we special-case them by language (which could affect T146358). If you have any thoughts on this or just want to see the fallback language list, head over to the Fallback Languages page and leave a comment, or reply to the Discovery list.
- CirrusSearch updated to allow searches in a specific language (without translations)
- Satisfaction schema update for checkin events on if page is visible
- Update the ascii folding to preserve original emits that are duplicated tokens for non ascii characters
- Update the search api interwiki to only query when srinterwiki=1 is passed
- Reduce the number of replicas for some titlesuggest indices
edit- Analysis of WDQS geographic breakdown of SPARQL queries
- Portal Dashboard: investigate spike in languages visited
- dashboard: minor updates
- Bug in current data retrieval script
- Add comment to search-related eventlogging in iOS and Android apps to inform Discovery of changes
edit(works in progress, needing code review or waiting to be released into production)
- Improve color palette
- Update for new translations
- Update articles by language statistics
- Test for adding app links to page
- Update WMF logo
- Fix where a language link broke on two lines
- Few other small updates...
Interactive: Maps & Graphs
edit- GeoJSON can now contain un-encoded SPARQL (query and ids ExternalData properties): example
- There is now "geoshape" and "geoline" types of ExternalData - one is for polygons (e.g. cities, countries), and the other is for lines (roads, rivers). As always, make sure OpenStreetMap has WikidataID attached to be able to use them.
- Many minor Kartographer bug fixes [1]
Events and News
- WikiConference North America 2016 is being held in San Diego this weekend and several of the Discovery team will be in attendance.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Deb has started integrating slowly into the Discovery Interactive Team as a quasi-Product Manager
- Dan and Deb will split up PM duties of the Discovery Search Team in the coming weeks
Did you know?
- View all open tickets related to Discovery.
- Looking to get involved? See tasks marked as Easy or volunteer needed