Design/Archive/Wikimedia User Interface/Use cases/Images

Large-sized edit

Thumbnails edit

    Main image within the article page - fixed width
    llustrate and accompany content - fixed width
    llustrate and accompany content - fixed height

Medium-sized edit

Thumbnails edit

    Illustrate and accompany content - should be fixed with one single width size, height auto
    Illustrate and accompany content - fixed width
    Give context to the mentioned article - fixed width
    Give context to the mentioned article - grouped - fixed width
    Show views of the same object - grouped, share the same title, fixed height
    Show views of the same object - grouped, share same description, fixed height
    To compare a few images - must be clearly grouped, share the same title, fixed height

Images edit

    Listing mathematical formulas - fixed height

Small-sized edit

Thumbnails edit

    Used in list - grouped - within square frame

Images edit

    Listing mathematical formulas - fixed width
    Inline images