


Data³ is a shared Quality & Test Engineer and Release Engineering initiative focused on the transformation of software engineering data into actionable information that is accessible by Foundation staff and the broader technical community alike.

Many of the tools/systems that we use today generate a lot of data. Unfortunately, much of that data is not accessible to those that don't have an in-depth working knowledge of the tools/systems in question. The Data³ initiative was created to help eliminate that barrier.

The vision is to have a simple means in which to consume and visualize data from the many disparate systems in a way that allows for the critical analysis of potentially correlated data.

Current Efforts


Currently the Data³ initiative is primarily supported through the direct efforts of the Quality & Test Engineering and Release Engineering teams and a number of key stakeholders from other Wikimedia Foundation teams. If you'd like to participate in this initiative, please let us know in the #talk-to-qte Slack channel.

Person Team sRACI
Jean-Rene Branaa Engineering Manager - Quality and Test Engineering A
Tyler Cipriani Engineering Manager - Release Engineering A
Will Doran Senior Engineering Manager - Platform Engineering Team C
Monte Hurd Software Engineer in Test - Quality and Test Engineering R
Antoine Musso Software Engineer - Release Engineering R
Max Binder Technical Program Management - Team Effectiveness Coach C

Below are some of the key activities associated with this initiative. Addition details can be found in Phabricator. We've created a Metric Dictionary as means to collect and define desired metrics.

Activity Description Status Notes
Cycle Time POC Using the Cycle Time metric, this effort is focused on developing a proof of concept for the underlying tooling. In-Progress There is a Metrics Dashboard prototype available for early adopters to explore the data.
Defect Escape Rate Implement the Defect Escape Rate metric. Investigating
Develop personas Develop a better understanding of needs/requirements through the creation of personas. In-Progress



Pages with the prefix 'Data³' in the 'Main' and 'Talk' namespaces:
