Core Platform Team/PET Work Processes/PET Task Types



This page describes the types of Phabricator Tasks that CPT uses to model it's work.

Initiative Tasks


These tasks are the very top of the hierarchy of tasks that describe a complete Initiative of work under taken by CPT. It has the following properties:

  1. It has no parent tasks
  2. It lives within an Initiative column on the main CPT Workboard
  3. It is labelled initiative
  4. It's only sub tasks are Epic tasks
  5. It's title is a CPT Initiative

Epics Tasks


These tasks describe a contiguous piece of work composed of many User Stories. An Epic describes a complete phase of work and it has the following properties:

  1. It has one and only one parent task of type Initiative
  2. It lives on the CPT Epics Workboard
  3. Their only subtasks are User Story tasks
  4. It's description should summarise the phase of work it describes

User Story Tasks


These tasks describe a specific piece of work that when completed advances completion of its parent Epic. They describe the complete requirements and product acceptance criteria for the given piece of work. They are used by Engineers to create Engineering Tasks. They have the following properties:

  1. It has one and only one parent task of type Epic
  2. Work is performed on the tasks on the CPT Epics Workboard
  3. It's description contains the complete product acceptance criteria for a given piece of work
  4. Their only subtasks are Engineering Tasks
  5. They are tagged with the Story label
  6. They can only be accepted by Engineering Managers
  7. They can only be closed by Product Managers

Engineering Tasks


Engineering tasks are all other tasks.

  1. They are not tagged with anything in particular.
  2. They live on a CPT subteam workboards while they are in flight but otherwise are not tagged with CPT
    1. Problem: they should be tagged with an initiative?
  3. They are linked through (potentially a chain of) their parent tasks to at least one user story task.
  4. They may have other engineering tasks as parent tasks and subtasks.