Cli/ref/mw gitlab repo clone

< Cli‎ | ref

mw gitlab repo clone


Clone a GitLab repository/project



Clone supports these shorthands

  • repo
  • namespace/repo
  • org/group/repo
  • project ID
mw gitlab repo clone <repo> [flags] [<dir>] [-- [<gitflags>...]]


$ glab repo clone profclems/glab

$ glab repo clone

$ glab repo clone profclems/glab mydirectory  # Clones repo into mydirectory

$ glab repo clone glab   # clones repo glab for current user 

$ glab repo clone 4356677   # finds the project by the ID provided and clones it

# Clone all repos in a group
$ glab repo clone -g everyonecancontribute --paginate

# Clone all non-archived repos in a group
$ glab repo clone -g everyonecancontribute --archived=false --paginate

# Clone from a self-hosted instance
$ glab repo clone myrepo  


  -a, --archived              Limit by archived status. Use with -a=false to exclude archived repositories. Used with --group flag
  -g, --group string          Specify group to clone repositories from
  -G, --include-subgroups     Include projects in subgroups of this group. Default is true. Used with --group flag (default true)
  -m, --mine                  Limit by projects in the group owned by the current authenticated user. Used with --group flag
      --page int              Page number (default 1)
      --paginate              Make additional HTTP requests to fetch all pages of projects before cloning. Respects --per-page
      --per-page int          Number of items to list per page (default 30)
  -p, --preserve-namespace    Clone the repo in a subdirectory based on namespace
      --visibility string     Limit by visibility {public, internal, or private}. Used with --group flag
  -I, --with-issues-enabled   Limit by projects with issues feature enabled. Default is false. Used with --group flag
  -M, --with-mr-enabled       Limit by projects with merge requests feature enabled. Default is false. Used with --group flag
  -S, --with-shared           Include projects shared to this group. Default is false. Used with --group flag

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help             Help for this command
      --no-interaction   Do not ask any interactive questions
  -v, --verbose count    Increase output verbosity. Example: --verbose=2 or -vv

