Category:Unused files
![]() | Administrators, please do not delete this category! This category is automatically populated by {{Unused file}} and so should not be deleted even if empty. |
This category contains unused files. The files in this category should be exported to Wikimedia Commons, if possible.
Media in category "Unused files"
The following 187 files are in this category, out of 187 total.
20080624-timeline-report.png 642 × 374; 36 KB
2page.jpg 433 × 203; 68 KB
AAP cta 2011-07.pdf 1,731 × 2,439; 221 KB
AAP cta edit plot 3.pdf 852 × 581; 34 KB
AAP cta edit plot ctr.pdf 945 × 637; 35 KB
AAP cta edit plot.pdf 945 × 639; 34 KB
AAP cta join plot 3.pdf 850 × 579; 34 KB
AAP cta join plot ctr.pdf 850 × 577; 35 KB
AAP cta join plot.pdf 850 × 579; 34 KB
AAP cta survey plot 3.pdf 841 × 575; 34 KB
AAP cta survey plot ctr.pdf 841 × 572; 35 KB
AAP cta survey plot.pdf 841 × 575; 34 KB
AAP cta.pdf 1,754 × 1,239, 4 pages; 777 KB
AAP exp.pdf 1,754 × 1,239, 7 pages; 984 KB
AAP hist length global.pdf 500 × 272; 30 KB
Aap hist length.pdf 500 × 272; 30 KB
AAP len corr.pdf 1,754 × 1,239; 590 KB
Add media wizard screen shot orange oct 2009.png 903 × 615; 353 KB
AFT survey useful all.png 299 × 316; 16 KB
AFT survey whyrated all.png 446 × 385; 14 KB
AFT survey whyrated.png 1,025 × 288; 35 KB
Agoraswatch.png 659 × 22; 3 KB
Article feedback - ugly example.gif 1,138 × 1,032; 76 KB
ArticleAssessmentPilot-Error.png 903 × 155; 24 KB
ArticleAssessmentPilot-HelpRollover.png 903 × 155; 26 KB
ArticleAssessmentPilot-Rated-Stale.png 903 × 155; 25 KB
ArticleAssessmentPilot-Rollover.png 903 × 155; 22 KB
ArticleAssessmentPilot-Thanks.png 903 × 155; 23 KB
ArticleAssessmentPilot-Unrated-VisibleResults.png 903 × 155; 21 KB
ArticleAssessmentPilot-Unrated.png 903 × 155; 20 KB
Articlecommentserror.png 639 × 599; 71 KB
Bibprint-bibtex.png 891 × 55; 7 KB
Bibtex-auto-field-checking.png 940 × 213; 21 KB
Bibtexio-bibtex.png 937 × 235; 19 KB
Bibtexio-final.png 910 × 112; 13 KB
Broken skin bibwiki.gif 1,137 × 1,009; 41 KB
Broken z-index WebFonts 90972.png 516 × 267; 26 KB
Bs-installcheck-ff.png 675 × 592; 269 KB
Bs-setup-ff.png 676 × 709; 55 KB
BucketingFlowchart.png 831 × 660; 70 KB
Bug no event.GIF 242 × 187; 3 KB
CalendarExtension.png 851 × 609; 54 KB
Capture 05012009 050731.png 724 × 390; 11 KB
Capture.PNG 1,826 × 842; 251 KB
CollapsmiUsage2.png 1,666 × 746; 52 KB
Commons ios screenshot null license.png 792 × 1,488; 1.42 MB
Configure Proxy server.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 3 pages; 144 KB
ConventionExtension Architecture.png 960 × 540; 31 KB
ConventionExtension-Workflow.png 1,206 × 557; 39 KB
Createapage-breakage.png 739 × 23; 5 KB
Custom Wikitext license feature in UploadWizard.png 993 × 575; 56 KB
CUwhois.JPG 840 × 415; 57 KB
Database fig1.png 1,441 × 600; 52 KB
Database fig4.png 1,235 × 688; 86 KB
Database fig5.png 1,234 × 683; 86 KB
Database-fig2.png 1,250 × 678; 71 KB
Database-fig6.png 1,480 × 669; 92 KB
Db.png 1,448 × 342; 14 KB
DonationInterface DoTransaction.jpg 675 × 900; 107 KB
Download.JPG 448 × 516; 25 KB
Dulcepollomil.JPG 753 × 611; 123 KB
Editor.jpg 721 × 615; 98 KB
Edittools-below-summary.png 1,091 × 826; 70 KB
Entering-bibtex-info.png 924 × 636; 52 KB
Entering-bibtex.png 922 × 642; 61 KB
Error displaying graphics file.PNG 638 × 202; 10 KB
Escaping wikitext on file delete form.png 725 × 283; 9 KB
Example of Harvard References Extension.png 624 × 153; 3 KB
EXIF with misleading formatnum conversion.png 340 × 460; 6 KB
Extension Usage Statistics - NS add-on.png 289 × 209; 7 KB
Extension-metaman-screenshot-01.png 913 × 792; 46 KB
Facebook Page Mobile Email.png 339 × 222; 28 KB
Filelist with thumbs.png 1,397 × 391; 100 KB
FlaggedRevs simple UI float problem.png 823 × 724; 192 KB
Funky dupe markings.png 860 × 790; 204 KB
Gadgets styles bug in preferences.png 1,247 × 803; 73 KB
Gerrit-cant merge path conflict.png 1,920 × 1,080; 263 KB
Gerrit-Iaa14d61e-diff-reedy.png 1,365 × 617; 62 KB
Git-cheat-sheet.svg 990 × 765; 162 KB
Google this article name1.png 742 × 301; 14 KB
Google this article name2.png 681 × 316; 16 KB
GoogleChartExample.png 684 × 300; 12 KB
Gzip compression efficiency graph.png 450 × 320; 9 KB
Harvard Links Example Animation.gif 244 × 119; 11 KB
Image Gallery Screenshot.png 1,019 × 694; 40 KB
Jquery buttons.png 313 × 45; 2 KB
Knapper.jpg 341 × 86; 6 KB
LilyPond-example.png 756 × 104; 3 KB
LinkSuggest debug IE9.png 1,278 × 651; 106 KB
LinkSuggest on IE9.png 1,280 × 653; 68 KB
Log in - create account - MediaWiki 1290712342618.png 1,276 × 831; 67 KB
Logout of Facebook.png 450 × 106; 6 KB
Maps-3d-small.png 220 × 228; 120 KB
Maps-gmap-physical-marker-popup-text.gif 793 × 246; 88 KB
Maps-maptypes-earth-multimarker-popup.gif 793 × 330; 88 KB
Maps-openlayers-multilayer-with-marker.gif 606 × 280; 71 KB
Maps-pf-ol-osm-cycle-multimarker.jpg 665 × 319; 51 KB
Maps0.5.2-google-earth-colored-pins.gif 597 × 277; 80 KB
MapsGoogleEarthOverlays.gif 817 × 408; 148 KB
MathLatexRender.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 5 pages; 67 KB
MediaWiki and extensions LOC 2009-03-03.png 720 × 450; 15 KB
MediaWiki Homepage Initial Proposal.png 1,062 × 783; 76 KB
Mediawiki.RT.extension.png 920 × 375; 74 KB
MediaWikiBci2.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 48 pages; 27.04 MB
Menu toolbox.png 151 × 136; 5 KB
Mibbit screen.png 495 × 264; 15 KB
Mobile menu en francais.png 480 × 800; 202 KB
MwDeployment.png 1,515 × 577; 76 KB
MwEmbed sequencer screen shot-feb-01.jpg 1,050 × 560; 140 KB
MwEmbed sequencer screen shot-feb-01.png 1,050 × 560; 490 KB
MwEmbedOverview.pdf 3,054 × 2,475; 37 KB
Mwskin.png 1,230 × 1,059; 1.59 MB
Myriadextension.png 434 × 541; 10 KB
Myriadextension2.png 561 × 449; 10 KB
Mysql phpmyadmin import and run queries.png 859 × 845; 75 KB
Mysql queries - phpmyadmin run queries.png 863 × 766; 78 KB
Narayam-proposal-annotated.pdf 2,204 × 1,316, 7 pages; 439 KB
Narayam-proposal.pdf 2,204 × 1,316, 7 pages; 404 KB
New UserRights Interface - Lotsa Rights.jpg 885 × 360; 41 KB
New Userrights Interface.jpg 858 × 261; 34 KB
Notifications whiteboard 2011-12-02.jpg 2,592 × 1,936; 2.7 MB
PageAttachmentExt Screenshot.png 1,139 × 707; 151 KB
Preferences-rc-old.png 769 × 381; 15 KB
Preferences-wl-old.png 705 × 535; 20 KB
Prototype1.jpg 1,366 × 769; 93 KB
Prototype1.png 1,366 × 770; 217 KB
Prototype2.jpg 1,366 × 769; 97 KB
Prototype2.png 1,366 × 770; 226 KB
Prototype3.png 1,366 × 770; 215 KB
Prototype4.png 1,366 × 770; 177 KB
PWD Screenshot.jpg 633 × 180; 24 KB
Pyramid.svg 390 × 250; 25 KB
R46264 tested.png 643 × 119; 4 KB
R90668 warning Screenshot.png 1,211 × 569; 68 KB
Rating natural.png 420 × 283; 2 KB
Reference-popup.png 681 × 126; 11 KB
ReplaceTextExample3.gif 1,483 × 256; 23 KB
Rl2-sharedgadgetprefs.png 954 × 505; 31 KB
Save as.jpg 567 × 554; 64 KB
Screen Shot 2011-09-19 at 11.28.45 AM.png 1,052 × 820; 126 KB
Screenshot for rev 97661.png 1,756 × 598; 119 KB
Screenshot installer language selector uselang problem.png 1,097 × 654; 86 KB
Screenshot-LastFMWidget.png 244 × 292; 12 KB
Screenshot-MediaWiki JavaScript Test Suite - Mozilla Firefox.png 1,020 × 604; 113 KB
Seamonkey's fun navigation menu with language links from r46059.png 436 × 307; 49 KB
Search ace.png 161 × 24; 371 bytes
Semantic-drilldown-with-map2.gif 1,047 × 715; 251 KB
Sequence screen shot.jpg 974 × 530; 96 KB
Sequencer storybook mode.png 960 × 172; 81 KB
Sequencer timeline mode.png 960 × 172; 60 KB
Setup-bluespice-beta2.png 679 × 532; 28 KB
SF Autocomplete.jpeg 1,600 × 1,200; 259 KB
ShortURL bug in IE7.png 784 × 139; 11 KB
Sm-qp-ge-marker-popup-properties.gif 602 × 332; 81 KB
Sm-ymap-qp-sattelite.gif 606 × 224; 58 KB
Sm0.5.2-google-maps-template-popup.gif 598 × 312; 97 KB
Social buttons.PNG 1,245 × 852; 266 KB
Specialuploadmockup.png 1,018 × 820; 56 KB
SphinxSearch example.png 787 × 815; 131 KB
Storage figure1.png 1,464 × 588; 67 KB
Storage figure2.png 1,268 × 666; 61 KB
Subfader - Advanced Search Collage - Example.gif 632 × 631; 44 KB
Subfader - Advanced Search Collage.gif 632 × 631; 9 KB
Survey.jpg 625 × 870; 43 KB
T35139-diff.png 716 × 900; 109 KB
Tabber.JPG 328 × 216; 13 KB
Template-expansion-bad.svg 720 × 720; 24 KB
Template-expansion-good.svg 720 × 720; 20 KB
Template-Infobox Automobile - Wikicars 1224850307118.png 321 × 71; 6 KB
Test rsvg on sulfa image.png 1,231 × 352; 88 KB
Toolbox-mockup.png 419 × 792; 117 KB
Treeview-multiline-bug.png 143 × 96; 4 KB
TreeView4.png 220 × 275; 12 KB
UWCustomlicense1.png 1,089 × 711; 89 KB
Vapblacksidebar.png 185 × 390; 15 KB
Video Player Size.png 1,032 × 457; 96 KB
VisualEditor - Category editing 3 - fr.png 626 × 489; 20 KB
WebFont-Sourashtra-Android-2.3.3.png 480 × 800; 135 KB
WebFont-Sourashtra-firefox-android-fail.png 480 × 800; 22 KB
Whatlinkshere-bidi-examples.png 1,024 × 768; 133 KB
Whoiswatching no User in Dropdown Box.jpg 504 × 438; 58 KB
Wikilog screenshot.png 967 × 501; 41 KB
Wikitweet-main2.png 606 × 512; 27 KB
Win8 WinRT Architecture.png 1,178 × 832; 65 KB
Windows8-metro-search-keyboard.png 1,366 × 768; 135 KB
Wlm flows draft4.png 3,592 × 5,035; 1.23 MB
ZIP File.jpg 336 × 367; 24 KB