Category:Files with no machine-readable license
Administrators, please do not delete this category! This is a maintenance category which sometimes contains pages that are in need of attention. If the category is empty then this is a good thing. |
This category is automatically added to files without machine-readable license. (Category powered by Extension:CommonsMetadata )
Media in category "Files with no machine-readable license"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 1,264 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
0 ClientRegistration-1.svg 1,205 × 1,205; 7 KB
0 ClientRegistration-2.svg 1,488 × 1,524; 3 KB
01-wikitech-phpstorm-winscp-instance-name.png 640 × 430; 20 KB
02 smf.jpg 388 × 37; 8 KB
02-wikitech-phpstorm-winscp-port-fowarding.png 456 × 439; 19 KB
03 smf.jpg 801 × 260; 63 KB
03-wikitech-phpstorm-putty-test.png 456 × 439; 22 KB
04-wikitech-phpstorm-putty-ppk.png 456 × 439; 22 KB
05-wikitech-phpstorm-terminal.png 675 × 425; 9 KB
06-wikitech-phpstorm-start.png 1,288 × 992; 81 KB
07-wikitech-phpstorm-deployment.png 1,216 × 864; 53 KB
08-wikitech-phpstorm-test.png 548 × 96; 4 KB
09-wikitech-phpstorm-success.png 281 × 135; 5 KB
10-wikitech-phpstorm-mappings.png 1,216 × 864; 40 KB
11-wikitech-phpstorm-deployment-options.png 1,216 × 864; 55 KB
12-wikitech-phpstorm-new-file.png 1,288 × 992; 113 KB
13-wikitech-phpstorm-new-filename.png 431 × 148; 6 KB
14-wikitech-phpstorm-new-filetype.png 503 × 421; 21 KB
15-wikitech-phpstorm-add-to-git.png 621 × 151; 11 KB
16-wikitech-phpstorm-upload-on-save.png 1,288 × 992; 72 KB
17-wikitech-phpstorm-locate-test-file.png 675 × 425; 26 KB
18-wikitech-phpstorm-vi-file.png 675 × 425; 6 KB
2010-07-12 154154-2.png 596 × 145; 11 KB
2010-07-12 154210-2.png 575 × 201; 17 KB
2011-08-13 01h26 59.png 899 × 157; 14 KB
2013.05.30-13.13.02.jpg 1,323 × 583; 236 KB
2015 MediaWiki User Survey Brief Summary.png 1,600 × 1,600; 257 KB
2015 MediaWiki User Survey Plots.pdf 1,650 × 1,275, 30 pages; 4.65 MB
2017-11-08--13-40-50--screenshot-rkevans001.png 1,250 × 772; 58 KB
2018-01-23--17-09-20--screenshot-rkevans001.png 688 × 609; 26 KB
2018-01-23--17-28-54--screenshot-rkevans001.png 1,497 × 983; 122 KB
2018-01-24--15-58-58--screenshot-rkevans001.png 1,978 × 1,218; 132 KB
2018-01-24--15-59-01--screenshot-rkevans001.png 1,978 × 1,218; 139 KB
2018-01-24--16-21-29--screenshot-rkevans001.png 1,777 × 791; 124 KB
2018-06-04--09-51-53--screenshot-rkevans001.png 1,067 × 1,226; 103 KB
2018-07-02--08-58-40--screenshot-rkevans001.png 921 × 531; 38 KB
2018-07-02--08-58-50--screenshot-rkevans001.png 523 × 491; 20 KB
343.png 1,577 × 757; 96 KB
346424 3.jpg 680 × 400; 41 KB
4 UserApproval.svg 1,240 × 1,524; 3 KB
516.png 938 × 239; 23 KB
517.png 373 × 204; 5 KB
6639.png 1,919 × 534; 42 KB
AB-Google-20140731.png 464 × 113; 25 KB
AB-webmaster-tools.png 585 × 157; 20 KB
AbgeschlossenLösungenErarbeitet Community.png 240 × 235; 39 KB
AbgeschlossenVeroeffentlicht WikimediaDE.png 231 × 232; 19 KB
AbgeschlossenVeroeffentlicht WikimediaInt.png 248 × 225; 37 KB
Ablepsia.png 433 × 657; 32 KB
Accent autocompletion.png 214 × 186; 4 KB
Accent-folding.png 362 × 182; 9 KB
Accept-regex-example.png 1,376 × 482; 110 KB
Accountinfo.png 621 × 277; 27 KB
Achieving a unified data model with Cargo and Page Forms.pdf 1,652 × 1,239, 43 pages; 447 KB
Acteurs-de-lOpen-Data-1024x512.png 1,024 × 512; 152 KB
Add stylesheet.PNG 868 × 604; 105 KB
Additional fields.png 401 × 371; 27 KB
AdvancedMeta-screenshot.png 1,276 × 583; 59 KB
Aggravate.png 427 × 679; 37 KB
Amboxes on pt wiki.png 1,148 × 939; 333 KB
AmMapExtension.png 822 × 564; 60 KB
Amphibious aircrafts.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 115 pages; 43.48 MB
Analytics logging dataflow July 2013 with proposed canary event monitoring.png 1,325 × 1,019; 106 KB
Analytics logging dataflow July 2013.png 1,325 × 597; 66 KB
Android current search.png 720 × 1,280; 73 KB
Android-3dstyle-icon-home.png 768 × 1,280; 688 KB
Android-studio-run-configuration-test-all.png 1,359 × 796; 93 KB
Annotate AnnotationPage.png 2,348 × 1,240; 245 KB
Annotate button mark.png 726 × 320; 71 KB
Annotate Button.png 2,376 × 1,360; 605 KB
Annotate Comment.png 1,738 × 518; 214 KB
Annotate Mouseover EditButtons.png 1,762 × 530; 200 KB
Annotate Mouseover.png 1,628 × 512; 168 KB
Annotate OverviewPage.png 1,882 × 610; 146 KB
Annotate PageForms.png 1,750 × 1,396; 218 KB
Annotate RepairModeDone.png 1,796 × 1,088; 349 KB
Annotate RepairModeNewLook.png 1,742 × 670; 251 KB
Annotate RepairModeNote.png 2,372 × 944; 476 KB
Annotate RepairModeStart.png 1,796 × 1,172; 400 KB
Annotate Sidebar Search.png 2,338 × 508; 220 KB
Annotate Sidebar.png 2,372 × 718; 323 KB
Annotate SpecialPage.png 1,226 × 760; 116 KB
Annotate SpecialPageMain.png 2,356 × 1,004; 154 KB
Annotate Start.png 2,374 × 1,320; 600 KB
AnnotationForm.png 1,990 × 1,504; 430 KB
Anti-Skin-Mockup.png 1,440 × 900; 415 KB
API Explorer screenshot.png 1,212 × 663; 77 KB
API imageinfo live json.png 552 × 726; 67 KB
Applicationscreen.png 600 × 514; 90 KB
ArchGraphDashboard.png 600 × 535; 97 KB
Archive External Links Diagram.png 792 × 828; 69 KB
Article assessment nov 8 anon and reg.jpg 895 × 519; 88 KB
Article assessment nov 8 anon short.jpg 889 × 446; 66 KB
Article assessment nov 8 long.jpg 892 × 441; 78 KB
Article feedback - ugly example.gif 1,138 × 1,032; 76 KB
Article feedback anon reg.jpg 1,006 × 545; 112 KB
Article feedback done.jpg 700 × 172; 46 KB
Article-actions-icons2.png 754 × 701; 258 KB
ArticleComment Discussionpage2.PNG 1,508 × 614; 240 KB
Articlecommentserror.png 639 × 599; 71 KB
ArticleHighlightScreenshot2.png 1,280 × 800; 139 KB
ArtofPropelledLevitation.gif 630 × 776; 279 KB
Assignment2 Wikipedia.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 4 pages; 162 KB
Atlantida-screen.png 1,772 × 978; 166 KB
Atlantida-Screenshot 1.png 780 × 671; 35 KB
Aug2014-monthlyreport-busted.png 2,034 × 1,172; 378 KB
AuthStack-login-flow1.svg 1,410 × 1,281; 94 KB
AuthStack-signup-flow1.svg 773 × 581; 54 KB
AutoFillFormField-Exampe.gif 703 × 228; 120 KB
Available formats.png 811 × 170; 92 KB
Average-mail-diagram.png 949 × 645; 85 KB
Average-stuff-ep1.webm 6 min 9 s, 1,366 × 768; 14.12 MB
Average-testing-language-engineering.svg 655 × 354; 13 KB
Awc upload css error.PNG 931 × 135; 4 KB
Bad search formatting.png 690 × 929; 85 KB
Banner ex.png 320 × 156; 63 KB
Banner example.png 960 × 468; 391 KB
Banner small.png 840 × 487; 28 KB
BannerImpressionSchema.png 970 × 274; 33 KB
Bar-chart-label.JPG 719 × 124; 69 KB
Bar2.png 1,247 × 212; 24 KB
Bay area no styles.png 360 × 640; 142 KB
Behaviour.png 444 × 670; 50 KB
Beta demo.gif 640 × 400; 8.89 MB
BiblioLogo.png 201 × 94; 2 KB
BibManager Authors.png 693 × 435; 22 KB
BibManager CreateEntry.png 441 × 394; 21 KB
BibManager DeleteEntry.png 710 × 648; 31 KB
BibManager Edit 3.png 706 × 303; 27 KB
BibManager Edit.png 694 × 425; 21 KB
BibManager EditEntry 2.png 704 × 811; 36 KB
BibManager Import.png 713 × 580; 27 KB
BibManager Overview 2.png 695 × 440; 45 KB
BibManager Overview.png 693 × 718; 72 KB
BibManager SpecialPagesGroup.png 678 × 88; 4 KB
BibManager View 2.png 692 × 510; 45 KB
BibManager View 3.png 681 × 576; 56 KB
Bibprint-bibtex.png 891 × 55; 7 KB
Bibtex-auto-field-checking.png 940 × 213; 21 KB
Bibtexio-bibtex.png 937 × 235; 19 KB
Bibtexio-final.png 910 × 112; 13 KB
Blackwiki.jpg 1,256 × 423; 110 KB
Bluespice icon 32x32px.png 32 × 32; 3 KB
Body11.jpg 2,334 × 1,718; 245 KB
BootStrapSkin-1.jpg 1,393 × 725; 102 KB
BootStrapSkin-10.jpg 1,076 × 656; 183 KB
BootStrapSkin-11.jpg 832 × 452; 49 KB
BootStrapSkin-12.jpg 929 × 354; 48 KB
BootStrapSkin-13.jpg 935 × 510; 91 KB
BootStrapSkin-14.jpg 702 × 593; 68 KB
BootStrapSkin-15.jpg 541 × 377; 41 KB
BootStrapSkin-16.jpg 1,014 × 602; 77 KB
BootStrapSkin-2.jpg 492 × 216; 10 KB
BootStrapSkin-3.jpg 399 × 196; 12 KB
BootStrapSkin-4.jpg 405 × 216; 9 KB
BootStrapSkin-5.jpg 567 × 277; 18 KB
BootStrapSkin-6.jpg 221 × 163; 3 KB
BootStrapSkin-7.jpg 235 × 331; 10 KB
BootStrapSkin-8.jpg 750 × 479; 68 KB
BootStrapSkin-9.jpg 496 × 506; 49 KB
BootStrapSkinContactForm 1.jpg 1,256 × 716; 46 KB
BootStrapSkinContactForm 2.jpg 1,283 × 700; 55 KB
BootstrapSS.png 1,186 × 77; 6 KB
Boxerror.jpeg 516 × 88; 11 KB
Breadcrumbs issue 1.PNG 352 × 33; 2 KB
Broken z-index WebFonts 90972.png 516 × 267; 26 KB
Broken-rust-bike-bicycle.jpg 300 × 200; 63 KB
Bswiki.png 1,320 × 556; 134 KB
BucketingFlowchart.png 831 × 660; 70 KB
Budrys.jpg 1,366 × 768; 270 KB
Budrys222.jpg 1,366 × 768; 89 KB
Bug36380.pdf 1,239 × 1,754; 45 KB
Bugzilla-reports-screenshot3.png 929 × 268; 72 KB
BugzillaView-test-bug1.png 254 × 36; 2 KB
BugzillaView-test-bug2.png 250 × 33; 2 KB
Burnup VE 2015Q3 storycount.png 882 × 496; 66 KB
Burnup VE 2015Q3 storypoints.png 600 × 371; 12 KB
Button rs.png 23 × 22; 797 bytes
Button translate da.png 116 × 22; 570 bytes
Calendar day.JPG 550 × 165; 11 KB
Calm simple thumb.jpeg 1,239 × 976; 87 KB
Campaign mixin mock-up.png 2,560 × 3,247; 390 KB
Capture 05012009 050731.png 724 × 390; 11 KB
Capture 06132011 010842.png 907 × 137; 4 KB
Capture 09092016 170355.png 2,080 × 830; 249 KB
Capture 09112015 204605.png 1,297 × 632; 158 KB
Capture 2.png 899 × 928; 50 KB
Capture 3.png 789 × 391; 33 KB
Capture screen.JPG 843 × 542; 65 KB
Cargo-exhibit-r1.JPG 338 × 195; 38 KB
Cargo-exhibit-r2.JPG 635 × 199; 88 KB
Cargo-request-barchart-links.JPG 732 × 192; 63 KB
Cat-in-a-drawer2.jpg 576 × 768; 413 KB
Categorize.png 826 × 274; 34 KB
Category select.jpg 1,584 × 1,296; 46 KB
Category selection for new page.png 502 × 411; 17 KB
CategoryBrowser.png 778 × 726; 129 KB
CategorySuggest Wiki 1 12 img01.jpg 783 × 167; 19 KB
CategorySuggest Wiki 1 12 img02.jpg 857 × 243; 41 KB