Anti-Harassment Tools/SecurePoll Improvements/Test Results/math-stackexchange-com-2010-election-results



SecurePoll and OpenSTV agree on elected candidates.


Election setup

  • Candidates: 5
  • Seats: 3
  • Votes: 164

Actual results latest



Actual results archive





Output from OpenSTV:

Loading ballots from file math-stackexchange-com-2010-election-results.blt.
Ballot file contains 5 candidates and 164 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 164 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for Mathematics Stack Exchange Moderator Election 2010 using Meek STV.
5 candidates running for 3 seats.

 R|Candidate 1       |Candidate 2       |Candidate 3       |Candidate 4       
  |Candidate 5       |Exhausted         |Surplus           |Threshold         
 1|         25.000000|         18.000000|         16.000000|         93.000000
  |         12.000000|          0.000000|         51.999999|         41.000001
  | Count of first choices. Candidate Candidate 4 has reached the threshold
  | and is elected.
 2|         42.892448|         33.096753|         25.505363|         41.000073
  |         16.473112|          5.032251|          4.408645|         39.741938
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 4, 0.440861. Candidate Candidate 1
  | has reached the threshold and is elected.
 3|         49.688143|         33.655892|         33.182780|         41.440934
  |                  |          6.032251|         12.145201|         39.491938
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 5 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 4|         40.101721|         36.485148|         36.732534|         40.785107
  |                  |          9.895490|          3.834572|         38.526128
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 1, 0.794797 and Candidate 4,
  | 0.420127.
 5|         39.183552|         37.544896|         37.763020|         38.712089
  |                  |         10.796443|          1.293861|         38.300890
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 1, 0.763570 and Candidate 4,
  | 0.396858.
 6|         38.417312|         37.869032|         38.133608|         38.402232
  |                  |         11.177816|          0.408450|         38.205547
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 1, 0.746370 and Candidate 4,
  | 0.392643.
 7|         38.260785|         37.978000|         38.246784|         38.229653
  |                  |         11.284778|          0.200804|         38.178806
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 1, 0.742256 and Candidate 4,
  | 0.390632. Candidate Candidate 3 has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Candidate 1, Candidate 3, and Candidate 4.




  • Where you tested: local docker using phpunit
  • Latest version of SecurePoll tested: 3.0.0 (f06e679) 21:48, 24 August 2021