This page is a translated version of the page Advertising and the translation is 100% complete.

放置广告或其他横幅对wiki很有用,尤其是对于需要广告来赚钱以支付服务器成本的小型wiki而言。 对于对MediaWiki没有经验了解的用户来说,投放广告可能比较困难。 这些困难包括:

  • 需要找到一种方法在wiki的每个页面上都刊登广告 – 手动将代码添加到每个页面(使用模板可以实现,但不会非常有效)。
  • 安全问题 – 许多HTML标签和JavaScript无法添加到页面中,从而无法将代码添加到单个页面或网站公告 中。 启用此类功能是极其危险的,并且可能导致您的网站被黑客入侵。
  • 把代码存在一个适当的地方 – 了解MediaWiki HTML的人可以在相关的皮肤PHP文件中添加横幅,但该文件将在每次升级时被销毁。 这也可以让其他人很难知道应该将代码添加在何处。



所有现代的皮肤 都支持使用SkinAfterPortlet (自MW 1.35起)和SkinAfterContent 钩子在侧边栏 和皮肤底部添加横幅。 不需要扩展或特殊皮肤。

	public function onSkinAfterPortlet( $skin, $portletName, &$html ) {
		$key1 = 'AD1'; // <== Place this key in the MediaWiki:Sidebar
		$key2 = 'AD2'; // <== Place this key in the MediaWiki:Sidebar
		$html_snippet1 = '<div style="">Potential banner location.</div>';
		$html_snippet2 = '<div style="">Potential banner location.</div>';
		$sidebar_elements = [];
		$sidebar_elements[$key1] = $html_snippet1;
		$sidebar_elements[$key2] = $html_snippet2;

		if ( array_key_exists( $portletName, $sidebar_elements ) ) {
			$element = $sidebar_elements[$portletName];
			if ( !empty( $element ) ) {
				$html = $element;
				return true;

	public function onSkinAfterContent( &$data, $skin ) {
		$data .= '<div style="">Potential banner location on the bottom.</div>';

The following information is outdated. The collapsible feature has been removed from the Vector skin. The collapsible navigation portals are now provided by the CollapsibleVector extension which will have to be installed additionally.[1]

    One of the problems with placing advertising in the Vector sidebar is that the sections are collapsible, meaning that many visitors will not see advertisements if they are not properly put it. The problem is that locking a sidebar section open requires technical server side scripting that some users might not want to do. This script places the code of the banner above the title of the section, and displays whether or not the section is expanded.
    To use this script, add it to the MediaWiki:Vector.js page and change the referenced ID of the sidebar section to the ID of the section where you want to add the banner.


There are a number of existing advertisement extensions for MediaWiki that may serve as examples of how it can be done.

There are a few different ways to inject ad banners into a MediaWiki skin:

  • Edit the skin template itself (e.g. skins/Vector.php for the Vector skin) and add the banner code in a suitable location. This is a fairly quick and easy solution, but suffers from the problem that you'll need to redo it every time you upgrade MediaWiki (or upgrade your skin, if you're using a non-standard one).
  • Find a suitable hook to inject the banner code into the skin. If you're just doing this for your own wiki, you can simply write the hook code directly into your LocalSettings.php (or into a separate PHP file that you include from there, if you prefer), but you could also turn it into a full MediaWiki extension (which basically just means, at a minimum, putting it in a separate file and adding a bit of boilerplate code).
  • Alas, finding the right hook for the job may not always be trivial. For injecting ads into the sidebar, the SkinBuildSidebar hook may be convenient; SkinAfterContent might work for footer ads, and for top ads, you could maybe (ab)use the SiteNoticeAfter hook.
  • Create a parser tag extension that allows you to add a custom tag like ‎<adshere /> to your pages to inject the ad banner code at that location. Straightforward, but requires you put the tag on any page that you want ads on (or in an interface message, if you can find a suitable one; tip: try appending the parameter uselang=qqx to URLs to see which messages are used where).
  • Find a suitably located interface message which is treated as raw HTML, and put your ad code there directly. Alas, there aren't many such messages, and the trend is towards getting rid of the few that are left.
  • For ads that can be injected with JavaScript only, you can simply put the code in MediaWiki:Common.js (or in the appropriate skin-specific JS page).[2]
  1. Skin:Vector - section "Collapsible navigation"
  2. From the Answer on on August 16, 2012 to the question "Using ads and banners on MediaWiki".