Admin tools development/SUL Audit

In order to effectively plan for the final Grand Unification (required for truly global features), we need to determine the current state of SUL.



2013-04-11 - Unifying non-clashing accounts.



As a first step, we want to determine the following metrics:

  1. Number of global users
  2. Number of local users without a global account (can be easily unified)
  3. Number of local users that clash with another local user (no global account involved)
  4. Number of local users that clash with a global user

Once we have access to these numbers, we need to determine a strategy for unification which will involve breaking down the above by

  • Users who have edited in the last 3/6/12/24 months
  • Users with logins in the last 3/6/12/24 months
  • Users with a confirmed email address
  • Users without a confirmed email address
  • (anything else?)



Statistics generated on or around 2014-09-09. It might be a good idea to re-run migratePass0.php again to make sure all tables are in sync...?

Caveats from 20140704 still apply.

Group Total Accounts touched in last ... Group name
1mo 2mo 3mo 4mo 5mo 6mo 9mo 12mo 18mo 24mo 30mo 36mo 1-36mo
Local accounts total 84,600,998 937,757 792,803 476,431 485,417 470,840 451,430 1,291,871 1,290,636 39,379,612 7,547,769 2,336,510 2,411,545 57,872,621
attached accounts 80,367,898 893,684 762,541 456,210 465,533 451,121 433,400 1,242,079 1,243,108 38,445,373 7,185,611 2,230,555 2,280,870 56,090,085
non-attached accounts 4,233,100 44,073 30,262 20,221 19,884 19,719 18,030 49,792 47,528 934,239 362,158 105,955 130,675 1,782,536
... with e-mail 3,351,422 33,946 23,027 16,087 15,923 15,721 14,391 39,502 37,218 695,223 241,441 92,604 113,759 1,338,842
... who do not clash with another account 5,290 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
... who clash with a global account 109,421 601 317 216 203 198 199 491 485 38,739 8,996 1,464 1,842 53,751
... global clash but appear to be merge-able 3,358 64 31 18 10 16 12 31 20 1,088 188 26 31 1,535
... who clash with 1 or more local accounts - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
... local clash but appear to be merge-able - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Global accounts total 33,459,507 - - - - - - - - - - - -
... who clash with 1 or more local accounts 35,619 - - - - - - - - - - - -
... who do not clash with local accounts 33,423,888 - - - - - - - - - - - -