
This page is a translated version of the page API:Images and the translation is 4% complete.
MediaWiki version:

GET request to list embedded media files on provided pages.

This module can be used as a generator .

prop=images (im)

(main | query | images)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • This module can be used as a generator.
  • Source: MediaWiki
  • License: GPL-2.0-or-later

Returns all files contained on the given pages.

Specific parameters:
Other general parameters are available.

How many files to return.

Type: integer or max
The value must be between 1 and 500.
Default: 10

When more results are available, use this to continue. More detailed information on how to continue queries can be found on mediawiki.org.


Only list these files. Useful for checking whether a certain page has a certain file.

Separate values with | or alternative.
Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).

The direction in which to list.

One of the following values: ascending, descending
Default: ascending


GET request

In the below query, we call the API to get a list of image files embedded on the English Wikipedia's page on Albert Einstein.


    "continue": {
        "imcontinue": "736|Albert_Einstein_signature_1934.svg",
        "continue": "||"
    "query": {
        "pages": {
            "736": {
                "pageid": 736,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Albert Einstein",
                "images": [
                        "ns": 6,
                        "title": "File:1919 eclipse positive.jpg"
                        "ns": 6,
                        "title": "File:Albert Einstein's exam of maturity grades (color2).jpg"
                        "ns": 6,
                        "title": "File:Albert Einstein (Nobel).png"

Sample code




    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Images` module: Send a GET request to obtain a JSON
	object listing all of the image files embedded on a single page

    MIT License

import requests

S = requests.Session()

URL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php"

    "action": "query",
    "format": "json",
    "titles": "Albert Einstein",
    "prop": "images"

R = S.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS)
DATA = R.json()

PAGES = DATA['query']['pages']

for k, v in PAGES.items():
    for img in v['images']:



    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Images` module: Send a GET request to obtain a JSON
	object listing all of the image files embedded on a single page

    MIT License

$endPoint = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php";
$params = [
    "action" => "query",
    "prop" => "images",
    "titles" => "Albert Einstein",
    "format" => "json"

$url = $endPoint . "?" . http_build_query( $params );

$ch = curl_init( $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
$output = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );

$result = json_decode( $output, true );

foreach( $result["query"]["pages"] as $k => $v ) {
    foreach( $v["images"] as $k => $v ) {
        echo( $v["title"] . "\n" );



    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Images` module: Send a GET request to obtain a JSON
	object listing all of the image files embedded on a single page

    MIT License

var url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php"; 

var params = {
    action: "query",
    prop: "images",
    titles: "Albert Einstein",
    format: "json"

url = url + "?origin=*";
Object.keys(params).forEach(function(key){url += "&" + key + "=" + params[key];});

    .then(function(response){return response.json();})
    .then(function(response) {
        var pages = response.query.pages;
        for (var page in pages) {
            for (var img of pages[page].images) {

MediaWiki JS


	MediaWiki API Demos
	Demo of `Images` module: Send a GET request to obtain a JSON
	object listing all of the image files embedded on a single page

	MIT License

var params = {
		action: 'query',
		prop: 'images',
		titles: 'Albert Einstein',
		format: 'json'
	api = new mw.Api();

api.get( params ).done( function ( data ) {
	var pages = data.query.pages,
	for ( page in pages ) {
		pages[ page ].images.forEach( function ( img ) {
			console.log( img.title );
		} );
} );

Demo app(s)

Parameter history

  • v1.13: Introduced imcontinue, imlimit
  • v1.18: Introduced imimages
  • v1.19: Introduced imdir

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