
Önek: cr Gerekli Haklar: Hiçbiri Yalnızca POST mu? Hayır

Revizyonları CodeReview'de listeleyin


  • limit – Kaç revizyon döndürülecek. Tür: limit
  • prop – Which properties to return.
Type: one of revid, status, commentcount, path, message, author, timestamp
  • repo (required) – Name of the repository. Type: string
  • revs – List of revisions to get information about. Overrides crstart. Type: integer
  • start – Timestamp to start listing at. Type: timestamp

Errors Codes

  • invalidrepo – Invalid repo ``repo''.
  • invalidtitle – Bad title ``title''.
  • invalidtitle – Bad title ``key''.
  • norepo – The repo parameter must be set.
  • norepo – The repo parameter must be set.
  • permissiondenied – You don't have permission to view code revisions.
  • readapidenied – You need read permission to use this module.