Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2018-04-17


==Previous AIs==

- Josh: check in with Corey - DONE

- Josh: meet w/ Charlotte 1.) re: data schema, will follow up with Chelsy, 2.) re: release timing, will send out email update today - DONE

- Josh + Chelsy: meet on Thurs - DONE

==Admin Stuff==

- Corey at Hackathon, then vacation in June

- Carolyn vacation in June

- Joe eta Apr 30

- Monte at dr appt on Thurs (conflict with eng backlog grooming)


- Regression testing

  • Anthony got through bugs yesterday
  • TSG delayed, doing page previews rollout today


- Manatee board

  • Thurs AM for submit
  • will have blog post

- Data update

  • schema tailored to flow
  • Chelsy will update details this week

- Translation reminder (Josh and Monte)

==Action Items==

- Josh: file task for engineers to look at Andy's library(?), spike on 5.8.1 board

- Josh: meet with Aeryn re: data

- Monte: check in with Josh about translation

- Lani: cancel eng backlog grooming this week