Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2018-04-24
April 24, 2018
== Previous Retrospective Actions ==
- DB to finish setting up more DB:Other Dev meetings (esp with Cooltey) DONE
- Lani to schedule Chore Wheel meeting with Rita and Mikhail to clarify vagueries DONE
- Lani to add Mikhail to Chore Wheel rotation DONE
"1-2-3 PASTE"
== Keep ==
- Pasting in ticket numbers during stand-up: it helps keep things on track
- Referring to tickets being worked on in standup, since this helps with understanding how we are tracking for release, and surface where further discussion is required earlier
- Taking on big and interesting tasks, and suggesting ways for improving our team and processes
- Engineer syncs
- Sending a preview list of tickets prioritised prior to planning meetings, since this seems to help efficiency in estimation
- More frequent check-ins between engineers.
- Engineers meetings, because they help me to solve problems in my work in progress patches.
== Stop ==
- Letting volunteer patches sit too long
- Letting tickets stay in Design sign-off too long, because the longer a task is left there, the longer it will take for the developer to switch context back to that task in case changes are required.
== Start ==
- Stricter adherence to Zeplin mocks when building layouts.
- Engineering round table
- Revisiting our ticket estimates on a regular basis
- Estimating tickets based on time to complete rather than complexity
- Establish a common team norm for points estimation, ideally based on time so that we can more accurately gauge timelines for down-the-line activities (user testing, marketing, cross-team coordination, etc)
- Setting semi-flexible release dates to ease planning and communications
- Using the Deadline task template so that we have added flexibility to visualize task prios on the release board
== Questions ==
== Action Items ==
- Dedicate 5 min in eng sync to talk about vol patches and process
- Schedule a biweekly engineering roundtable, or at least get the devs together to talk about making a regular meeting
- @mention Rita in tickets that will need design review once they've passed code review
- Dmitry: go back over past tickets to calibrate estimates (update )
- Charlotte: Set down estimate norms (planning meeting)
- Lani and Max: Update task templates to use Deadline form, Bump original thread with instructions