WikiReleaseTeam/Release timeline/1.22

Release dates are given on in the Version lifecycle page. This timeline is a schedule for what needs to happen before that time. The release should happen no later than the last day of the month given in the lifecycle document. That date is given here as R (for “release”).

Date for 1.22 Relative schedule Task Link
2013-10-18 (R-6 weeks) Announce that the release branch will be created in one week. Ask people to make sure that anything needed to complete in-progress features is merged before then. Create X.XX version in bugzilla. Branching REL1_22 in one week, 1.22.0 Release in 6 weeks
2013-10-22 (R-5 weeks) Create the branch for core and all extensions in Gerrit. Version number update on REL1_22
2013-10-29 Apply the X.XXrc0 tag and release the initial release candidate. tagged rev RC for Mediawiki 1.22: 1.22.0rc0
2013-11-01 (R-4 weeks) Collect any bug reports and summarize them on the mailing list. No bugs reported on list.
2013-11-08 (R-3 weeks) Apply the X.XXrc1 tag and release the second release candidate. Any new extensions that are proposed for addition to the tarball should be in it by this point. No extension changes are made after this point. tagged rev
2013-11-15 (R-2 weeks) Collect any new bug reports, merge fixes, back out new, incomplete features accidently included, apply X.XXrc2 tag and release third release candidate. tagged rev

1.22.0rc2 ready for download

2013-11-22 delayed to 2013-11-29 (R-1 week) Repeat previous step, use X.XXrc-final to tag and release. No backports are accepted after this point. One week delay because of this bug.
2013-11-29 delayed to 2013-12-06 (R) TAG the code with X.XX and Make the release.

During this whole process, review the RELEASE-NOTES and determine what to include in the release announcement.

See also edit