User talk:Aurimas/CiteByDOI

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Peachey88 (Flood) (talkcontribs)

This is my first extension as well as my first code publication, so I would welcome any comments relating to bugs, coding style/practices, as well as deployment techniques. Feel free to email or post a response here. Thanks!

This post was posted by Peachey88 (Flood), but signed as Aurimas.

ChrisDavis (talkcontribs)

Cool, it works well. The one thing I didn't see in the documentation is that you need to have the php5-curl package installed. Otherwise, you get PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() (talkcontribs)

I'm using mediawiki version 1.15 - so this doesn't currently work for me. (As the hook you use is only in 1.16 onwards) Like the idea though!

I wondered if instead of replacing the text, you could instead cache a local set of data - in the way that the PubMed extension does (See the contents of the Pubmed function in Pubmed.php). This would enable you to only download the information associated with the DOI once, but then render this every time. This would mean that you could create an offical doi tag rather than the search and replace method you currently use.

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