User:Roc michael/SMW HaloLanguageZh tw.php

/*  Copyright 2007, ontoprise GmbH
*  This file is part of the halo-Extension. 中文名詞索引在最下面 (indix is in the end)
*   The halo-Extension is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
*   (at your option) any later version.
*   The halo-Extension is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   GNU General Public License for more details.
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*   along with this program.  If not, see <>. 
 * @author Markus Krötzsch 

global $smwgHaloIP;
include_once($smwgHaloIP . '/languages/SMW_HaloLanguage.php');

class SMW_HaloLanguageZh_tw extends SMW_HaloLanguage {

protected $smwContentMessages = array(

	'smw_viewinOB' =>	'在知識本體瀏覽器中開啟' //'Open in OntologyBrowser',

	'smw_att_head' => '屬性(Attribute)值', //'Attribute values',
	'smw_rel_head' => '與其他頁面的關聯(Relations)',  'Relations to other pages',
	'smw_predefined_props' => '此為預先定義的性質 "$1"',  'This is the predefined property "$1"',
	'smw_predefined_cats' => '此為預先定義的分類 "$1"', //'This is the predefined category "$1"',

	'smw_noattribspecial' => '特殊性質 "$1"不是一項屬性 (請使用 "::" 而非 ":=").',  //'Special property "$1" is not an attribute (use "::" instead of ":=").',
	'smw_notype' => '沒有為屬性定義型態',  //'No type defined for attribute.',
	/*Messages for Autocompletion*/
	'tog-autotriggering' => '自動觸發 自動完成',  //'Auto-triggered auto-completion',

	// Messages for SI unit parsing
	'smw_no_si_unit' => 'No unit given in SI representation. ',  //To be checked
	'smw_too_many_slashes' => 'Too many slashes in SI representation. ', //To be checked
	'smw_too_many_asterisks' => '"$1" contains several *\'s in sequence. ', //To be checked
	'smw_denominator_is_1' => "分母不得為1. (The denominator must not be 1.)", //To be checked
	'smw_no_si_unit_remains' => "尚有SI單位仍未被最佳化(There remains no SI unit after optimization.)",//To be checked
	'smw_invalid_format_of_si_unit' => '無效的SI單位格式: $1 ', //'Invalid format of SI unit: $1 ',
	// Messages for the chemistry parsers
	'smw_not_a_chem_element' => '"$1" 並非為化學元素。', //'"$1" is not a chemical element.',
	'smw_no_molecule' => '尚無分子存於此化學式"$1" (There is no molecule in the chemical formula "$1").',//To be checked
	'smw_chem_unmatched_brackets' => '在"$1"中,開放式的中括弧與封閉式的中括弧在數量上不相符(The number of opening brackets does not match the closing ones in "$1".'), //To be checked
	'smw_chem_syntax_error' => '在化學式"$1"中有語法錯誤。', //'Syntax error in chemical formula "$1".',
	'smw_no_chemical_equation' => '"$1" 不是化學方程式', //'"$1" is not a chemical equation.',
	'smw_no_alternating_formula' => '在 "$1" 中,有錯誤的或不需要的操作項目',  //'There is a missing or needless operator in "$1".',
	'smw_too_many_elems_for_isotope' => '只有一項元素可賦予同位素,某分子賦予替代值"$1"。(Only one element can be given for an isotope. A molecule was provided instead: "$1".)',//To be checked
	// Messages for attribute pages
	'smw_attribute_has_type' => '此屬性有資料型態 ',  \\'This attribute has the datatype ',
	// Messages for help
	'smw_help_askown' => '請陳述您的問題(Ask your own question)', //To be checked
	'smw_help_askownttip' => '請於此wiki的協助頁面中陳述您的問題,以便於其他用戶回答此問題。',  //'Add your own question to the wiki helppages where it can be answered by other users',
	'smw_help_pageexists' => "此問題已存於我們的協助系統中。\n點選 '更多' 以查看所有的問題。",  //"This question is already in our helpsystem.\nClick 'more' to see all questions.",
	'smw_help_error' => "喔喔.... 很遺憾!似乎有錯誤發生了。\n您的問題無法存於此系統中。", //"Oops. An error seems to have occured.\nYour question could not be added to the system. Sorry.",
	'smw_help_question_added' => "您的問題已存入於我們的協助系統中了。\n以便於其他用戶回答此問題。。" //"Your question has been added to our help system\nand can now be answered by other wiki users."


protected $smwUserMessages = array(
	'smw_devel_warning' => '此元件現正於開發中,可能無法完全作用,在使用之前,請先備份您的資料。',  //'This feature is currently under development, and might not be fully functional. Backup your data before using it.',
	// Messages for pages of types, relations, and attributes

	'smw_relation_header' => '使用"$1"性質的頁面',  //'Pages using the property "$1"',
	'smw_relationarticlecount' => '<p>列出使用此性質的 $1 頁面</p>',  //'<p>Showing $1 pages using this property.</p>',
	'smw_subproperty_header' => '"$1"的子性質(Sub-properties)',  //'Sub-properties of "$1"',
	'smw_subpropertyarticlecount' => '<p>列出子性質(Sub-properties)$1</p>', //'<p>Showing $1 sub-properties.</p>',

	// Messages for category pages
	'smw_category_schemainfo' => '"$1"分類的綱目資訊(Schema information)', //'Schema information for category "$1"',
	'smw_category_properties' => '性質',
	'smw_category_properties_range' => '範圍為 "$1"的性質', //'Properties whose range is "$1"',
	'smw_category_askforallinstances' => '請求所有 "$1"的實例以及其子分類項目的全部實例	(subcategories)', //'Ask for all instances of "$1" and for all instances of its subcategories',
	'smw_category_queries' => '查詢子分類', //'Queries for categories',
	'smw_category_nrna' => '含錯誤領域"$1"的頁面。', //'Pages with wrongly assigned domain "$1".',  // To be checked
	'smw_category_nrna_expl' => '這些頁面雖已有領域提示,但卻不是某項性質。',  //'These page have a domain hint but they are not a property.',  // To be checked
	'smw_category_nrna_range' => '指定錯誤範圍"$1"的頁面。',  //'Pages with wrongly assigned range "$1".',
	'smw_category_nrna_range_expl' => '這些頁面雖已有範圍提示,但卻不是某項性質。', //'These page have a range hint but they are not a property.',

	'smw_exportrdf_all' => '匯出所有的語意資料', //'Export all semantic data',

	// Messages for Search Triple Special
	'searchtriple' => '簡單語意搜尋',//'Simple semantic search', //name of this special
	'smw_searchtriple_docu' => "<p>在表單的上一行或下一行內分別填入所要搜尋關聯及屬性,某些欄位可予不填,以獲得較多的搜尋結果,然而,若已給予屬性值,則該屬性名稱亦須予以指定,就如往常一樣,屬性質可為一量測單位。</p>\n\n<p>請注意,您必須按下右方的按鈕以獲得結果,只按<i>Return</i>鍵也許不會執行您所想要的搜尋</p>",  //"<p>Fill in either the upper or lower row of the input form to search for relations or attributes, respectively. Some of the fields can be left empty to obtain more results. However, if an attribute value is given, the attribute name must be specified as well. As usual, attribute values can be entered with a unit of measurement.</p>\n\n<p>Be aware that you must press the right button to obtain results. Just pressing <i>Return</i> might not trigger the search you wanted.</p>",
	'smw_searchtriple_subject' => '主題頁面(Subject page):', // To be checked
	'smw_searchtriple_relation' => '關聯名稱:', //'Relation name:',
	'smw_searchtriple_attribute' => '屬性名稱:', //'Attribute name:',
	'smw_searchtriple_object' => '目標頁面(Object page):', // To be checked
	'smw_searchtriple_attvalue' => '屬性值', //Attribute value:',
	'smw_searchtriple_searchrel' => '搜尋關聯',  //'Search Relations',
	'smw_searchtriple_searchatt' => '搜尋屬性', //'Search Attributes',
	'smw_searchtriple_resultrel' => '搜尋結果 (關聯)',  //'Search results (relations)',
	'smw_searchtriple_resultatt' => '搜尋結果 (屬性)', //'Search results (attributes)',

	// Messages for Relations Special
	'relations' => '關聯',  //'Relations',
	'smw_relations_docu' => '下列的關聯已存在於此wiki',  //'The following relations exist in the wiki.',
	// Messages for WantedRelations Special
	'wantedrelations' => '待建關聯', //'Wanted relations',
	'smw_wanted_relations' => '下列的關聯雖已用於描述其他的頁面,但其自身尚未有說明頁面。',  	//'The following relations do not have an explanatory page yet, though they are already used to describe other pages.',
	// Messages for Properties Special
	'properties' => '性質',  //'Properties',
	'smw_properties_docu' => '下列的性質已存在於此wiki',  //'The following properties exist in the wiki.',
	'smw_attr_type_join' => ' 以 $1', //' with $1',  // To be checked
	'smw_properties_sortalpha' => '依字母排序', //'Sort alphabetically',
	'smw_properties_sortmoddate' => '依修訂日期排序', //'Sort by modification date',
	'smw_properties_sorttyperange' => '依型態/範圍排序',  //'Sort by type/range',

	'smw_properties_sortdatatype' => '資料型態性質(Datatype properties)', //To be checked
	'smw_properties_sortwikipage' => 'Wiki頁面的性質',  //'Wikipage properties',
	'smw_properties_sortnary' => 'N陣性質', //To be checked 1.對n個可能不同的值或狀態作一種挑選,選擇或有條件的選定。  2.指的是具有一個n數基的固定數基命數系統。
	// Messages for Unused Relations Special
	'unusedrelations' => '未使用的關聯', //'Unused relations',
	'smw_unusedrelations_docu' => '雖然下列的關聯頁面已存在,但無其他頁面使用它們。'  //'The following relation pages exist although no other page makes use of them.'
	// Messages for Unused Attributes Special
	'unusedattributes' => '未使用的屬性', //'Unused attributes',
	'smw_unusedattributes_docu' => '雖然下列的屬性頁面已存在,但無其他頁面使用它們。',  //'The following attribute pages exist although no other page makes use of them.',

/*Messages for OntologyBrowser*/
	'ontologybrowser' => '知識本體瀏覽器',  //'OntologyBrowser',
	'smw_ac_hint' => '請按 Ctrl+Alt+Space 以使用自動完成。 (如用IE 則用Ctrl+Space 鍵)',  //'Press Ctrl+Alt+Space to use auto-completion. (Ctrl+Space in IE)',
	'smw_ob_categoryTree' => '分類樹',  //'Category Tree',
	'smw_ob_attributeTree' => '性質樹', //'Property Tree',

	'smw_ob_instanceList' => '實例',  //'Instances', //To be checked
	'smw_ob_att' => '性質',  //'Properties',
	'smw_ob_relattValues' => '值', //'Values',
	'smw_ob_relattRangeType' => '型態/範圍',  //'Type/Range',
	'smw_ob_filter' => '篩選器', //'Filter',
	'smw_ob_filterbrowsing' => '篩選器瀏覽',  //'Filter Browsing',
	'smw_ob_reset' => '重置', //'Reset',
	'smw_ob_cardinality' => '基數', //'Cardinality',  
	'smw_ob_transsym' => '遞移性/對稱性', //'Transitivity/Symetry',  //To be checked 
	'smw_ob_footer' => '',
	'smw_ob_no_categories' => '無相符分類(No categories available)',   //To be checked
	'smw_ob_no_instances' => '無相符例子(No instances available)',   //To be checked
	'smw_ob_no_attributes' => '無相符屬性(No attributes available)', //To be checked
	'smw_ob_no_relations' => '無相符關聯(No relations available)',  //To be checked
	'smw_ob_no_annotations' => '無相符註解(No annotations available)',   //To be checked
	'smw_ob_no_properties' => '無相符性質(No properties available)',  //To be checked
	'smw_ob_help' => '此知識本體瀏覽器可讓您透過知識本體導航,輕鬆找尋 
點選各欄位間的大箭頭翻轉此一流程',   //'The ontology browser lets you navigate through the ontology to easily find and identify items in the wiki. Use the Filter Mechanism at the upper left to search for specific entities in the ontology and the filters below each column to narrow down the given results. Initially the flow of browsing is left to right. You can flip the flow by clicking the big arrows between the columns.', //To be checked
	'smw_ob_undefined_type' => '*未定義的型態*', //'*undefined type*',
	'smw_ob_hideinstances' => '隱藏實例',  //'Hide Instances', //To be checked
	'smw_ob_hasnumofsubcategories' => '子分類數目', //'Number of subcategories',
	'smw_ob_hasnumofinstances' => '實例數目',//'Number of instances',
	'smw_ob_hasnumofproperties' => '性質數目', //'Number of properties',
	'smw_ob_hasnumofpropusages' => '性質已被註解了(annotated) $1 次', //'Property is annotated $1 times', //To be checked
	'smw_ob_hasnumoftargets' => '實例已被連結了 $1 次.',  //'Instance is linked $1 times.',
	'smw_ob_hasnumoftempuages' => '樣板已被引用了 $1 次', //'Template is used $1 times',
	/* Commands for ontology browser */
	'smw_ob_cmd_createsubcategory' => '新增子分類', //'Add subcategory',
	'smw_ob_cmd_createsubcategorysamelevel' => '於同一層內新增分類', //'Add category on same level',
	'smw_ob_cmd_renamecategory' => '更名', //'Rename',
	'smw_ob_cmd_createsubproperty' => '新增子性質', //'Add subproperty',
	'smw_ob_cmd_createsubpropertysamelevel' => '於同一層內新增性質', //'Add property on same level',
	'smw_ob_cmd_renameproperty' => '更名', //'Rename',
	'smw_ob_cmd_renameinstance' => '更名實例',  //'Rename instance', //To be checked
	'smw_ob_cmd_deleteinstance' => '刪除實例',  //'Delete instance',
	'smw_ob_cmd_addpropertytodomain' => '新增性質於領域: ',  //'Add property to domain: ',  //To be checked
	/* Messages for Gardening */
	'gardening' => 'Gardening', // name of special page 'Gardening'  // To be checked  //深耕? gardening the knowledgebase : features that allow users to detect inconsistencies and continuously improve the quality of the authored knowledge
	'gardeninglog' => 'GardeningLog',  // To be checked  
	'smw_gard_param_replaceredirects' => '替換重定向',  //'Replace redirects',
	'smw_gardening_log_cat' => 'GardeningLog', //'GardeningLog',
	'smw_gardeninglogs_docu' => '此頁面提供存取由Gardening 機器人所建立的日誌,您可以多種方式來對它們作篩選。', // To be checked //'This page provides access to logs created by the Gardening Bots. You can filter them in various ways.',
	'smw_gardening_log_exp' => '這是 Gardening log 分類', // To be checked //'This is the Gardening log category',
	'smw_gardeninglog_link' => '並查看一下$1特殊頁面以取得進一步的日誌。', // To be checked //Also take a look at $1 special page for further logs.
	'smw_gard_welcome' => '這是Gardening 工具箱,它提供一些工具以使得此wiki知識庫乾浄且一致性(clean and consistent)', // To be checked 'This is the Gardening toolbox.It provides some tools which helps to keep the wiki knowledgebase clean and consistent.',
	'smw_gard_notools' => '如果您在此未看見任何工具,您也許尚未登入或本尚無權使用gardening工具。',  // To be checked  //'If you do not see any tools here, you might not be logged in or you do not have any rights to use gardening tools',
	'smw_no_gard_log' => '無Gardening日誌', // To be checked  //'No Gardening log',
	'smw_gard_abortbot' => '取消機器人', //'Cancel Bot' // To be checked
	'smw_gard_unknown_bot' => '未知的機器人', //Unknown Bot // To be checked
	'smw_gard_no_permission' => '您未被允許使用此機器人(bot)。', //'You do not have the permission to use this bot.', // To be checked
	'smw_gard_missing_parameter' => 'Missing parameter', // To be checked
	'smw_gard_missing_selection' => 'Missing selection', // To be checked
	'smw_unknown_value' => '未知的值',  //'Unknown value',
	'smw_out_of_range' => '超出範圍',  'Out of range',
	'smw_gard_value_not_numeric' => '值須為數字',	// 'Value must be a number',				
	'smw_gard_choose_bot' => '從左方選取一項gardening動作。',	// To be checked 'Choose a gardening action from the left.',			
	'smw_templatematerializerbot' => 'Materialize template content',	// To be checked		
	'smw_consistencybot' => 'Check wiki consistency',	// To be checked		
	'smw_similaritybot' => '尋找類似事實(entities)', // To be checked			
	'smw_undefinedentitiesbot' => '尋找未定義的事實(entities)',	// To be checked	
	'smw_missingannotationsbot' => '尋找無註解(annotations)的頁面。',	// To be checked			
	'smw_anomaliesbot' => '尋找異常(anomalies)',	// 'Find anomalies',	// To be checked		
	'smw_renamingbot' => '更名頁面',	// 'Rename page',		
	'smw_importontologybot' => '匯入知識本體(ontology)',	// 'Import an ontology',	// To be checked		
	'smw_gardissue_class_all' => '全部',	// 'All',		
	/* Messages for Gardening Bot: ImportOntology Bot*/				
	'smw_gard_import_choosefile' =>	 '下列 $1 檔案可提供。',	// 'The following $1 files are available.', // To be checked		
	'smw_gard_import_addfiles' =>	 '使用 $1 以新增 $2 檔案 ',	// 'Add $2 files by using $1.',		
	'smw_gard_import_nofiles' =>	 '無$1 型態的檔案可提供',	// 'No files of type $1 are available',		
	/* Messages for Gardening Bot: ConsistencyBot */				
	'smw_gard_consistency_docu'  =>	 '一致性機器人做不含領域及範圍之分類學及性質的循環檢查。它並且根據領域及範圍資訊以檢查性質的使用的正確性以及基數(cardinality)錯誤。',	// To be checked  //'The consistency bot checks for cycles in the taxonomy and properties without domain and range. It also checks the correct usage of properties according to domain and range information as well as cardinality errors.',				
	'smw_gard_no_errors' =>	 '恭喜!此wiki是一致性的(consistent)。',	// 'Congratulations! The wiki is consistent.',	// To be checked			
	'smw_gard_issue_local' =>	 '這篇文章',	// 'this article',		
	'smw_gardissue_domains_not_covariant' =>	 '請使$1的 $2領域至其父階性質(或子分類)的領域分類相符',	// To be checked	//'Please match the domain $2 of $1 to the domain category of its super property (or a subcategory).',	
	'smw_gardissue_domains_not_defined' =>	 '請定義$1的領域',	// 'Please define the domain of $1.',		
	'smw_gardissue_ranges_not_covariant' =>	 '請使$1的$2範圍與其父階的範圍的某項子分類相符', // To be checked		
	'smw_gardissue_domains_and_ranges_not_defined' => '請定義$1的領域及/或範圍',	// 'Please define the domain and/or range of $1.',		
	'smw_gardissue_ranges_not_defined' =>	 '請定義$1的範圍',	// 'Please define the range of $1',		
	'smw_gardissue_types_not_covariant' =>	 '請使$1的資料型態與父性質(superproperty)的資料型態相符',	// 'Please match the datatype of $1 to the datatype of its superproperty.', // To be checked				
	'smw_gardissue_types_not_defined' =>	 '$1的資料型態尚未定義,請明確的指定,「型態:頁面」為預設值。',	// 'The datatype of $1 is not defined. Please specify explicitly. Type:page is taken as default.',		
	'smw_gardissue_double_type' =>	 '請為$1選擇右方的資料型態,現在它有 $2 "設有型態" 或"has type" 註解(annotations)。',	// 'Please chose the right datatype for $1, right now it has $2 "has type" annotations.',		
	'smw_gardissue_mincard_not_covariant' =>	 '請為$1指定一個最小基數(minimum cardinality),其須高於或等於其父性質(superproperty)。',	// To be checked  //'Please specify a minimum cardinality for $1 that is higher or equal than that of its superproperty.',			
	'smw_gardissue_maxcard_not_covariant' =>	 '請為$1指定一個最大基數(maximum cardinality),其須低於或等於其父性質(superproperty)。',	// To be checked			//'Please specify a maximum cardinality for  $1 that is lower or equal than that of its superproperty.'
	'smw_gardissue_maxcard_not_null' =>	 'Please define a maximum cardinality of $1 above 0.',		// To be checked		
	'smw_gardissue_mincard_below_null' =>	 '請定義的值為正的最小基數給$1',	// To be checked	 //'Please define a positive maximum cardinality of $1.'
	'smw_gardissue_symetry_not_covariant1' =>	 '$1的父性質(super property)必須是對稱性的(symetrical)。',	// To be checked			//'The super property of $1 must also be symetrical.',
	'smw_gardissue_symetry_not_covariant2' =>	 '$1 必須依照其父性質(super property)為對稱性的(symetrical)。',	// To be checked  //'$1 must be symetrical according to its super property.',			
	'smw_gardissue_transitivity_not_covariant1' =>	 '父性質(super property)$1亦必須具備遞移性(transitive)。',	// To be checked	//'The super property of $1 must also be transitive.', // To be checked			
	'smw_gardissue_transitivity_not_covariant2' =>	 '$1 對照其父性質(superproperty)而言,必須具備遞移性(transitive)',	// To be checked  	// '$1 must be transitive according to its superproperty.',		
	'smw_gardissue_double_max_card' =>	 '請為$1指定唯一的最大基數(max cardinality )。 Taking first value, which is $2.',	// To be checked	// 'Please specify only one max cardinality for $1. Taking first value, which is $2.',		
	'smw_gardissue_double_min_card' =>	 '請為$1指定唯一的最小基數(max cardinality )。 Taking first value, which is $2.',	// To be checked	// 'Please specify only one min cardinality for $1. Taking first value, which is $2.',		
	'smw_gardissue_wrong_mincard_value' =>	 'Please correct the min cardinality for $1 . Will be interpreted as 0.',		// To be checked // 'Please correct the min cardinality for $1 . Will be interpreted as 0.',		
	'smw_gardissue_wrong_maxcard_value' =>	 'Please correct the max cardinality for $1 . It should be a positive integer or *. Will be interpreted as 0.',	// To be checked // 'Please correct the max cardinality for $1 . It should be a positive integer or *. Will be interpreted as 0.',		
	'smw_gard_issue_missing_param' =>	 'Missing parameter $3 in n-ary property $2 in $1.',	// To be checked  // 'Missing parameter $3 in n-ary property $2 in $1.',		
	'smw_gard_issue_domain_not_range' =>	 'Domain of $1 does not match range of inverse property $2.',	// To be checked // 'Domain of $1 does not match range of inverse property $2.',		
	'smw_gardissue_wrong_target_value' =>	 '$1 may not use property $2 with the value $3, according to property definition.',	// '$1 may not use property $2 with the value $3, according to property definition.',		
	'smw_gardissue_wrong_domain_value' =>	 '$1 may not use property $2, according to property definition.',	// To be checked // '$1 may not use property $2, according to property definition.',		
	'smw_gardissue_too_low_card' =>	 'Please add $3 more annotation(s) of $2 (or its subproperties) to $1.',	// To be checked // 'Please add $3 more annotation(s) of $2 (or its subproperties) to $1.',		
	'smw_gardissue_too_high_card' =>	 'Please remove $3 annotation(s) of $2 (or its subproperties) from $1.',	// To be checked // 'Please remove $3 annotation(s) of $2 (or its subproperties) from $1.',		
	'smw_gardissue_wrong_unit' =>	 'Please correct wrong unit $3 for property $2 in $1.',	// To be checked // 'Please correct wrong unit $3 for property $2 in $1.',		
	'smw_gard_issue_incompatible_entity' =>	 'The entity $1 is incompatible to $2. Please check that they are in the same namespace.',	// To be checked // 'The entity $1 is incompatible to $2. Please check that they are in the same namespace.',		
	'smw_gard_issue_incompatible_type' =>	 'The property $1 has an incompatible datatype to $2. They should be the same but are different.',	// To be checked // 'The property $1 has an incompatible datatype to $2. They should be the same but are different.',		
	'smw_gard_issue_incompatible_supertypes' =>	 'The property $1 has superproperties with different datatypes. Please check that they are the same.',	// To be checked // 'The property $1 has superproperties with different datatypes. Please check that they are the same.',		
	'smw_gard_issue_cycle' =>	 'Cycle at: $1',	// To be checked // 'Cycle at: $1',		
	'smw_gard_issue_contains_further_problems' =>	 '含有如下的進一步問題:',	// 'Contains further problems below',		
	'smw_gardissue_class_covariance' =>	 '協方差問題(Covariance problems)',	/// To be checked / 'Covariance problems',		
	'smw_gardissue_class_undefined' =>	 '未完成的綱目(Incomplete schema)',	// To be checked 		
	'smw_gardissue_class_missdouble' =>	 'Doubles',// To be checked 	// 'Doubles',		
	'smw_gardissue_class_wrongvalue' =>	 '錯誤/遺失值(Wrong/missing values)',// To be checked 	// 'Wrong/missing values',		
	'smw_gardissue_class_incomp' =>	 '矛盾不相容的事實(Incompatible entities)',// To be checked 	// 'Incompatible entities',		
	'smw_gardissue_class_cycles' =>	 'Cycles',	// 'Cycles',		
	/* SimilarityBot*/				
	'smw_gard_degreeofsimilarity' =>	 '修訂距離限制',	// 'Edit distance limit',		
	'smw_gard_similarityscore' =>	 'Similarity Score (No. of similarities)',	// 'Similarity Score (No. of similarities)',		
	'smw_gard_limitofresults' =>	 '結果數量',	// 'Number of results',		
	'smw_gard_limitofsim' =>	 'Show only entities which appear to be',// To be checked 	// 'Show only entities which appear to be',		
	'smw_gard_similarityterm' =>	 '搜尋與下列名詞相似的事實(也許是空白)Search for entities similar to the following term (may be empty)',// To be checked 	// 'Search for entities similar to the following term (may be empty)',		
	'smw_gard_similaritybothelp' =>	 'This is the bot to identify entities in the knowledgebase that could potentially be unified. If you enter a term, the system will try to find entities which are similar to that. If you do not enter a term, the system will find possibly redundant entities.',// To be checked 	// 'This is the bot to identify entities in the knowledgebase that could potentially be unified. If you enter a term, the system will try to find entities which are similar to that. If you do not enter a term, the system will find possibly redundant entities.',		
	'smw_gardissue_similar_schema_entity' =>	 '$1 與 $2 在詞彙上相似。',	// '$1 and $2 are lexically similar.',		
	'smw_gardissue_similar_annotation' =>	 '$3 包含兩項非常相似的註解: $1 與 $2',	// '$3 contain two very similar annotations: $1 and $2',		
	'smw_gardissue_similar_term' =>	 '$1 與名詞 $2 相似',	// '$1 is similar to term $2',		
	'smw_gardissue_share_categories' =>	 '$1 與 $2 同屬於的分類為: $3',	// '$1 and $2 share the following categories: $3',		
	'smw_gardissue_share_domains' =>	 '$1 與 $2 同屬的領域為: $3',	// '$1 and $2 share the following domains: $3',		
	'smw_gardissue_share_ranges' =>	  '$1 與 $2 同屬的範圍為: $3',	//  '$1 and $2 share the following ranges: $3',		
	'smw_gardissue_share_types' =>	 '$1 與 $2 同屬的型態為: $3',	// '$1 and $2 share the following types: $3',		
	'smw_gardissue_distinctby_prefix' =>	 '$1 and $2 are distinct by common prefix or suffix',	// To be checked  // '$1 and $2 are distinct by common prefix or suffix',		
	'smw_gardissue_class_similarschema' =>	 '相似的綱目元素(Similar schema elements)',	// To be checked 	// 'Similar schema elements',		
	'smw_gardissue_class_similarannotations' =>	 '相似的註解(Similar annotations)',	// 'Similar annotations',		
	/*Undefined entities bot */				
	'smw_gard_undefinedentities_docu' =>	 '此未定義的事實機器人蒐尋已使用在此wiki中未被定義的分類及性質,以及無分類的實例。', 		// 'The undefined entities bot searches for categories and properties that are used within the wiki but not defined, as well as instances that have no category.',		
	'smw_gard_remove_undefined_categories' =>	 '刪除未定義的分類的註解(Remove annotations of undefined categories)',	// 'Remove annotations of undefined categories',		
	'smw_gardissue_property_undefined' =>	 '$1 used on : $2',	// To be checked 	// '$1 used on : $2',		
	'smw_gardissue_category_undefined' =>	 '$1 used on: $2',	// To be checked 	// '$1 used on: $2',		
	'smw_gardissue_relationtarget_undefined' =>	 '$1 undefined when used with: $2',	// To be checked 	// '$1 undefined when used with: $2',		
	'smw_gardissue_instance_without_cat' =>	 '$1 並非某一分類的成員',	// '$1 is not member of a category',		
	'smw_gardissue_class_undef_categories' =>	 '未定義的分類',	// 'Undefined categories',		
	'smw_gardissue_class_undef_properties' =>	 '未定義的性質',	// 'Undefined properties',		
	'smw_gardissue_class_undef_relationtargets' =>	 '未定義的關聯指標(Undefined relation targets)',	// 'Undefined relation targets',		
	'smw_gardissue_class_instances_without_cat' =>	 '無分類的實例 Instances without category',	// 'Instances without category',		
	/* Missing annotations */				
	'smw_gard_missingannot_docu' =>	 '此機器人辨織此wiki中未被註解過的頁面', 	// 'This bot identifies pages in the Wiki that are not annotated.',		
	'smw_gard_missingannot_titlecontaining' =>	 '(選用)只含標題的頁面 (Optional) Only Pages with a title containing',	// To be checked 	
	'smw_gard_missingannot_restricttocategory' =>	 'Restrict to categories',	// To be checked 	// 'Restrict to categories',		
	'smw_gardissue_notannotated_page' =>	 '$1 無註解',	// '$1 has no annotations',		
	/* Anomalies */				
	'smw_gard_anomaly_checknumbersubcat' =>	 '檢查子分類的數量',	// 'Check number of sub categories',		
	'smw_gard_anomaly_checkcatleaves' =>	 'Check for category leafs',	// To be checked 			
	'smw_gard_anomaly_restrictcat' =>	 'Restrict to categories (separated by ;)',	// To be checked 		
	'smw_gard_anomaly_deletecatleaves' =>	 'Delete category leaves',	// To be checked 			
	'smw_gard_anomaly_docu' =>	 'This bot identifies  Category leafs (Categories that contain neither subcategories nor instances) and Subcategory number anomalies (Categories with only one or more than eight subcategories).',	// To be checked 			
	'smw_gard_anomalylog' =>	 'The anomly bot removed the following pages',	// To be checked 		
	'smw_gard_all_category_leaves_deleted' =>	 'All Category leaves were removed.',	// To be checked 			
	'smw_gard_was_leaf_of' =>	 'was leaf of',	// To be checked 	
	'smw_gard_category_leaf_deleted' =>	 '$1 was a category leaf. Removed by anomaly bot.',	// To be checked 			
	'smw_gardissue_category_leaf' =>	 '$1 is a category leaf.',	// To be checked 			
	'smw_gardissue_subcategory_anomaly' =>	 '$1 has $2 subcategories.',	// To be checked 			
	'smw_gardissue_class_category_leaves' =>	 'Category leaves',	// To be checked 			
	'smw_gardissue_class_number_anomalies' =>	 'Subcategory anomaly',	// To be checked 			
	/* Combined Search*/				
	'smw_combined_search' =>	 '混合搜尋(Combined Search)',	// To be checked 		
	'smw_cs_entities_found' =>	 '在此wiki知識本體(ontology)中找到了下列事實(entities):',// 'The following entities were found in the wiki ontology:',		
	'smw_cs_attributevalues_found' =>	 '下列的實例中包含性質的值與您的搜尋相符',	// 'The following instances contain property values matching your search:',		
	'smw_cs_aksfor_allinstances_with_annotation' =>	 'Ask for all instances of \'$1\' which have an annotation of \'$2\'',	// 'Ask for all instances of \'$1\' which have an annotation of \'$2\'',		
	'smw_cs_askfor_foundproperties_and_values' =>	 'Ask instance \'$1\' for all properties found.',	// 'Ask instance \'$1\' for all properties found.',		
	'smw_cs_ask'=>	 'Show',	// 'Show',		
	'smw_cs_noresults' =>	 '抱歉,在此知識本體中沒有與您搜尋的名詞所相符的事實。 Sorry, there are no entities in the ontology matching your search term.',	// 'Sorry, there are no entities in the ontology matching your search term.',		
	'smw_cs_searchforattributevalues' =>	 '搜尋與您所找尋的性質相符的值',	// 'Search for property values that match your search',		
	'smw_cs_instances' =>	 '文章',	// 'Articles',		
	'smw_cs_properties' =>	 '性質',	// 'Properties',		
	'smw_cs_values' =>	 '值',	// 'Values',		
	'smw_cs_openpage' =>	 '開啟頁面',	// 'Open page',		
	'smw_cs_openpage_in_ob' =>	 '於知識本體瀏覽器中開啟',	// 'Open in Ontology Browser',		
	'smw_cs_openpage_in_editmode' =>	 '編輯頁面',	// 'Edit page',		
	'smw_cs_no_triples_found' =>	 'No triples found!',	// 'No triples found!',		
	'smw_autogen_mail' =>	 '這是自動產生的email,請勿回覆!',	// 'This is an automatically generated email. Do not reply!',		
	/*Message for ImportOntologyBot*/				
	'smw_gard_import_docu' =>	 '匯入OWL檔案.',	// 'Imports an OWL file.',		
	/*Message for ExportOntologyBot*/				
	'smw_exportontologybot' =>	 '匯出知識本體',	// 'Export ontology',		
	'smw_gard_export_docu' =>	 '此機器人以OWL格式匯出此wiki知識本體。',	// 'This bot exports the wiki ontology in the OWL format.',		
	'smw_gard_export_enterpath' =>	 '匯出檔案/路徑',	// 'Export file/path',		
	'smw_gard_export_onlyschema' =>	 '僅匯出綱目(Export only schema)',	// 'Export only schema',		
	'smw_gard_export_ns' =>	 '匯出至名字空間(Export to namespace)',	// 'Export to namespace',		
	'smw_gard_export_download' =>	 '匯出成功!按 $1 以下載此wiki輸出為OWL檔。',	// 'Export was successful! Click $1 to download the wiki export as OWL file.',		
	'smw_gard_export_here' =>	 '這裡',	// 'here',		
	/*Message for TemplateMateriazerBot*/				
	'smw_gard_templatemat_docu' =>	 'This bot updates the wikipages which use templates that got new annotations to includes these annotations in the results of an ASK query.',		// To be checked 		
	'smw_gard_templatemat_applytotouched' =>	 'Apply only to touched templates',	// To be checked 			
	'smw_gardissue_updatearticle' =>	 'Article $1 was newly parsed.',	// To be checked 		
	/*Messages for ContextSensitiveHelp*/				
	'contextsensitivehelp' =>	 'Context Sensitive Help',// To be checked		
	'smw_contextsensitivehelp' =>	 'Context Sensitive Help',// To be checked		
	'smw_csh_newquestion' =>	 '此為一項新的求助問題,按下按鈕以作答覆!',	// 'This is a new help question. Click to answer it!',		
	'smw_csh_nohelp' =>	 '尚無相關的求助問題新增至本系統。',	// 'No relevant help questions have been added to the system yet.',		
	'smw_csh_refine_search_info' =>	 'You can refine your search according to the page type and/or the action you would like to know more about:',	// To be checked	
	'smw_csh_page_type' =>	 '頁面型態',	// 'Page type',		
	'smw_csh_action' =>	 'Action',	// 'Action',		
	'smw_csh_ns_main' =>	 '主 (一般 Wiki頁面)',	// 'Main (Regular Wiki Page)',		
	'smw_csh_all' =>	 '全部',	// 'ALL',		
	'smw_csh_search_special_help' =>	 'You can also search for help on the special features of this wiki:',// To be checked		
	'smw_csh_show_special_help' =>	 'Search for help on:',	// 'Search for help on:',		
	'smw_csh_categories' =>	 '分類',	// 'Categories',		
	'smw_csh_properties' =>	 '性質',	// 'Properties',		
	/* Messages for the CSH discourse state. Do NOT edit or translate these				
	 * otherwise CSH will NOT work correctly anymore				
	'smw_csh_ds_ontologybrowser' =>	 '知識本體瀏覽器',	// 'OntologyBrowser',		
	'smw_csh_ds_queryinterface' =>	 '查詢介面',	// 'QueryInterface',		
	'smw_csh_ds_combinedsearch' =>	 '搜尋',	// 'Search',		
	/*Messages for Query Interface*/				
	'queryinterface' =>	 '查詢介面',	// 'Query Interface',		
	'smw_queryinterface' =>	 '查詢介面',	// 'Query Interface',		
	'smw_qi_add_category' =>	 '新增分類',	// 'Add Category',		
	'smw_qi_add_instance' =>	 '新增實例', // 'Add Instance',		
	'smw_qi_add_property' =>	 '新增性質',	// 'Add Property',		
	'smw_qi_add' =>	 '新增',	// 'Add',		
	'smw_qi_confirm' =>	 'OK',	// 'OK',		
	'smw_qi_cancel' =>	 '取消',	// 'Cancel',		
	'smw_qi_delete' =>	 '刪除',	// 'Delete',		
	'smw_qi_close' =>	 '關閉',	// 'Close',		
	'smw_qi_preview' =>	 '預覽結果',	// 'Preview Results',		
	'smw_qi_no_preview' =>	 '尚無法可取得預覽 (No preview available yet)',	// To be checked	
	'smw_qi_clipboard' =>	 '複製至剪貼簿',	// 'Copy to clipboard',		
	'smw_qi_reset' =>	 '重置查詢',	// 'Reset Query',		
	'smw_qi_reset_confirm' =>	 '您確定要重置此查詢嗎?',	// 'Do you really want to reset your query?',		
	'smw_qi_querytree_heading' =>	 '查詢樹導航',	// 'Query Tree Navigation',		
	'smw_qi_main_query_name' =>	 '主',	// 'Main',		
	'smw_qi_layout_manager' =>	 '查詢版面管理員',	// 'Query Layout Manager',		
	'smw_qi_table_column_preview' =>	 '表格欄位預覽',	// 'Table Column Preview',		
	'smw_qi_article_title' =>	 '文章標題',	// 'Article title',		
	'smw_qi_load' =>	 '載入查詢',	// 'Load Query',		
	'smw_qi_save' =>	 '儲存查詢',	// 'Save Query',		
	'smw_qi_close_preview' =>	 '關閉預覽',	// 'Close Preview',		
	'smw_qi_querySaved' =>	 '以查詢介面存入新查詢了',	// 'New query saved by QueryInterface',		
	'smw_qi_exportXLS' =>	 '匯出結果至Excel',	// 'Export results to Excel',		
	'smw_qi_showAsk' =>	 '展示所有查詢 Show full query',	// To be checked		
	/*Tooltips for Query Interface*/				
	'smw_qi_tt_addCategory' =>	 'By adding a category, only articles of this category are included',	// To be checked			
	'smw_qi_tt_addInstance' =>	 'By adding an instance, only a single article is included',	// To be checked			
	'smw_qi_tt_addProperty' =>	 'By adding a property, you can either list all results or search for specific values',	// To be checked			
	'smw_qi_tt_tcp' =>	 '「表格欄位預覽」可供您預覽所要輸出的表格欄位',	// 'The Table Column Preview gives you a preview of the columns which will appear in the result table',		
	'smw_qi_tt_qlm' =>	 '「查詢版面管理員」使您能定義查詢結果的版面。',	// 'The Query Layout Manager enables you to define the layout of the query results',		
	'smw_qi_tt_preview' =>	 '展示您全部查詢的預覽(且包含了版面設定)',	// 'Shows a full preview of your query results including the layout settings',		
	'smw_qi_tt_clipboard' =>	 '複製您的查詢文字至剪貼簿,如此可輕易的插入至某文章',	// 'Copies your query text to the clipboard so it can easily be inserted into an article',		
	'smw_qi_tt_showAsk' =>	 '將輸出全部的詢問查詢',	// 'This will output the full ask query',		
	'smw_qi_tt_reset' =>	 '重置全部的查詢',	// 'Resets the entire query',		
	'smw_qi_tt_format' =>	 '輸出您的查詢格式',	// 'Output format of your query',		
	'smw_qi_tt_link' =>	 '定義結果表格的某部份以連結的方式出現',	// 'Defines which parts of the result table will appear as links',		
	'smw_qi_tt_intro' =>	 'Text that is prepended to the query results',// To be checked			
	'smw_qi_tt_sort' =>	 '用來排序的欄位',	// 'Column which will be used for sorting',		
	'smw_qi_tt_limit' =>	 '輸出結果的最大數量',	// 'Maximum number of results shown',		
	'smw_qi_tt_mainlabel' =>	 '第一欄的欄位名稱',	// 'Name of the first column',		
	'smw_qi_tt_order' =>	 '升冪或降冪排序',	// 'Ascending or descending order',		
	'smw_qi_tt_headers' =>	 '是否呈現表格的表頭',	// 'Show the headers of the table or not',		
	'smw_qi_tt_default' =>	 '如果沒有任何輸出的結果時,呈現的說明文字',	// 'Text that will be shown if there are no results',		
	/* Annotation */				
 	'smw_annotation_tab' =>	 '註解 ',	// 'annotate',		
	'smw_annotating'     =>	 '註解 $1',	// 'Annotating $1',		
 	/* Refactor preview */				
 	'refactorstatistics' =>	 'Refactor Statistics',		// To be checked
 	'smw_ob_link_stats' =>	 'Open refactor statistics',	// To be checked
 	/* SMWFindWork */				
 	'findwork' =>	 'Find work',		// To be checked
 	'smw_findwork_docu' =>	 '此頁所列舉出的一些的文章,或多或少有點問題但您也許有興趣去編輯及更正。',	// 'This page suggests articles that are somehow problematic but which you might enjoy editing/correcting.',		
 	'smw_findwork_user_not_loggedin' =>	 '您尚未登入,您或許可匿名的使用本頁,但最好還是先行登入。', 	// 'You are NOT logged in. It\'s possible to use the page anonymously, but it is far better to be logged in.', 		
 	'smw_findwork_header' =>	 '根據您的歷史編輯紀錄列舉出您有興趣的文章,如果您不知如何去選擇,按下$1,則此系統會為您選擇。<br /><br />如果您希望從事特定的事務,您可從以下當中選擇: ',	// 'The suggested articles will reflect your interests based on your edit history. If you don\'t know what to choose, click on $1. The system will then select something for you.<br /><br />If you want to work on a more specific issue you can choose one of the following: ',		
 	'smw_findwork_rateannotations' =>	 '<h2>評鑑註解</h2>您能以評鑑下列敘述的品質的方式,來協助增進此wiki的品質,請問以下的敘述正確嗎?<br><br>',	// '<h2>Evaluate annotations</h2>You can help to enhance the quality of this wiki by evaluating the quality of the following statements. Are the following statements correct?<br><br>',		
 	'smw_findwork_yes' =>	 '正確。',	// 'Correct.',		
 	'smw_findwork_no' =>	 '錯誤。',	// 'Wrong.',		
 	'smw_findwork_dontknow' =>	 '不知道。',	// 'Don\'t know.',		
 	'smw_findwork_sendratings' =>	 '送出此評鑑',	// 'Send evaluations',		
 	'smw_findwork_getsomework' =>	 'Give me some Work!',		// To be checked
 	'smw_findwork_show_details' =>	 '查看詳情',	// 'Show details',		
 	'smw_findwork_heresomework' =>	 'Here\'s some work',		// To be checked
 	'smw_findwork_select' =>	 '選擇',	// 'Select',		
 	'smw_findwork_generalconsistencyissues' =>	 '一般一致性問題',	// 'General consistency problems',		
 	'smw_findwork_missingannotations' =>	 'Missing Annotations',	// 'Missing Annotations',		
 	'smw_findwork_nodomainandrange' =>	 '無型態/領域的性質',	// 'Properties without type/domain',		
 	'smw_findwork_instwithoutcat' =>	 '無分類的實例',	// 'Instances without category',		
 	'smw_findwork_categoryleaf' =>	 'Category leafs',		// To be checked
 	'smw_findwork_subcategoryanomaly' =>	 '子分類異常',		// To be checked
 	'smw_findwork_undefinedcategory' =>	 '未定義的分類',	// 'Undefined categories',		
 	'smw_findwork_undefinedproperty' =>	 '未定義的性質',	// 'Undefined properties',		
 	'smw_findwork_lowratedannotations' =>	 'Pages with low rated annotations',		// To be checked
 	/* Gardening Issue Highlighting in Inline Queries */				
	'smw_iqgi_missing' =>	 'missing',	// 'missing',		
	'smw_iqgi_wrongunit' =>	 '錯誤的單位'	// 'wrong unit'		
protected $smwSpecialProperties = array(					
	//always start upper-case				
	SMW_SP_CONVERSION_FACTOR_SI =>	 'Corresponds to SI'	// 'Corresponds to SI'		
var $smwSpecialSchemaProperties = array (					
	SMW_SSP_HAS_DOMAIN_AND_RANGE_HINT =>	 '設有領域及範圍',	// 'Has domain and range',		
	SMW_SSP_HAS_MAX_CARD =>	 '設有最大基數',	// 'Has max cardinality',		
	SMW_SSP_HAS_MIN_CARD =>	 '設有最小基數',	// 'Has min cardinality',		
	SMW_SSP_IS_INVERSE_OF =>	 'Is inverse of',	// 'Is inverse of',		
	SMW_SSP_IS_EQUAL_TO =>	 '等於'	// 'Is equal to'		
var $smwSpecialCategories = array (					
	SMW_SC_TRANSITIVE_RELATIONS =>	 '遞移性質',	// 'Transitive properties',		
	SMW_SC_SYMMETRICAL_RELATIONS =>	 'Symmetrical properties'	// 'Symmetrical properties'		
var $smwHaloDatatypes = array(					
	'smw_hdt_chemical_formula' =>	 '化學式',	// 'Chemical formula',		
	'smw_hdt_chemical_equation' =>	 '化學方程式',	// 'Chemical equation',		
	'smw_hdt_mathematical_equation' =>	 'Mathematical equation',	// 'Mathematical equation',		
	 * Function that returns the namespace identifiers.				
	public function getNamespaceArray() {				
		return array(			
			 '關聯',	// 'Relation',	
			 '關聯討論',	// 'Relation_talk',	
			 '性質',	// 'Property',	
			 '性質討論',	// 'Property_talk',	
			 '型態',	// 'Type',	
			 '型態討論'	// 'Type_talk'	


/* index 索引
cardinality	基數
Domain	領域
entity	事實
Instances	實例 
Ontology	知識本體
relationship	關係
Schema	綱目
Symmetrical	對稱性
taxonomy 分類學
terms	名詞
transitive	遞移性 
