
 * CategoryBreadcrumb extension
 * @author Boudewijn Vahrmeijer
 * @version 2.1
 * @link
 * Extended by Cynthia Mattingly @ Marketing Factory Consulting
 * Added support for Image pages and pages using CategoryTree
 * Added default breadcrumb first link to home page
if ( ! defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
	'name' => 'Category Breadcrumb',
	'author' => 'Boudewijn Vahrmeijer',
	'url' => '',
	'version' => '2.1',
	'description' => 'DMOZ-style category breadcrumb for MediaWiki',
$wgUseCategoryBrowser = true;
// hook into SkinTemplate.php
$wgHooks['SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec'][] = 'wfBreadCrumbsDisplay';

function wfBreadCrumbsDisplay(&$q, &$p) {
	global $wgOut, $wgArticle, $wgScriptPath;
	$pageClass = get_class($wgArticle);
	if ($wgArticle == null) {
		return true;	
	$allowedClasses = array('CategoryPage', 'CategoryTreeCategoryPage', 'ImagePage');
	if (!in_array($pageClass, $allowedClasses) && $wgArticle->getTitle()->mNamespace != 0) {
		return true;
	$cats = $q->getCategories();
	// kill the ugly category box below the page
    $p->set( 'catlinks', '');
	$homelink = '<a href="'.$wgScriptPath.'/">
			<img src="'.$wgScriptPath.'/skins/common/images/mediawiki.png" width="20" height="20"> WikiName
    if (trim($cats) == '') {
		$combine = $homelink.$wgOut->mBodytext;
		$p->setRef( 'bodytext', $combine );
	} else {
		$combine = array();
		// get category tree
		$tree = explode('<hr />', $cats);
		// set tree on top of text and register into $tpl
		$cats = explode('<br />', $tree[1]);
		//prepend the home link for each category
		foreach ($cats as $category) {
			$combine[] = $homelink.' > '.$category;
		$bodytext = implode('<br />', $combine).$wgOut->mBodytext;
		$p->setRef( 'bodytext', $bodytext);
	return true;