Topic on Project:Support desk

Unable to Delete Files

2 (talkcontribs)


I'm trying to delete some duplicated images, but keep getting the following error:

Error deleting file: An unknown error occurred in storage backend "local-backend".

The images in question all have previous versions that, for one reason or another, show "No thumbnail" as their first version (despite those thumbnails existing previously, prior to new versions being uploaded). Images that don't have "No thumbnail" as their first record can be deleted without issue.

My biggest question is, is there a way to bypass this error and delete the files? Less importantly, what can cause the "No thumbnail" issue to happen? The wiki I'm working on has lost a lot of prior versions of images over the years and no one can pinpoint why, or how to prevent it from happening in the future.

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

Most often this is due to permissions on the filesystem being incorrect. the webserver deamon and the permissions of the directory have to be compatible.

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