Topic on Project:Support desk

MediaWiki installing Error

Nexovia (talkcontribs)

Hello please can somone help me out I am in search of help since 10 days back what is this support for please can somone help me out of this is the problem. I am facing this problem while installation.

MediaWiki 1.41 internal error

Installing some PHP extensions is required.

Required components

You are missing a required extension to PHP that MediaWiki requires to run. Please install:

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

You have to install php-intl. how to do this depends on your operating system, the distribution of your operating system and how you installed php. It is not Mediawiki specific, but it is a prerequisite for Mediawiki.

Nexovia (talkcontribs)

How do i install it If it is not MediaWiki specific what is MediaWiki for who should I consult If you don't wanna help it is ok.

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

These are very elementary questions for information anyone is able to Google and find the answer to. These are essential skills for anyone running a server, so please do learn them. But this forum is unlikely to provide you with a course from scratch on how to run a computer server. Knowing how to run a server is a prerequisite to installing and using MediaWiki.

Nexovia (talkcontribs)

I am not getting help from Google so I asked here Sorry If I did this much big mistake by only asking help with MediaWiki for it's own installing problem.

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