Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Features/Header/pl

This page is a translated version of the page Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Features/Header and the translation is 31% complete.

W ramach projektu Desktop Improvements wprowadzamy nowy nagłówek strony.

  1. Pierwszym etapem jest przebudowa miejsca na logo tak, aby miało ono mniejszy rozmiar (ale napisy pod nim pozostają tej samej wielkości co dotychczas w Wektorze).
  2. Dalej zrobimy tak, aby nagłówek był "przyklejony", czyli dostępny także podczas przewijania strony. Pozwoli to użytkownikom na dostęp do najważniejszych funkcji takich jak edycja całej strony albo przejście na stronę dyskusji lub historii, bez konieczności przewinięcia się na początek strony.

Opis funkcji i wymagania

W pierwszym etapie zmieniliśmy sposób wyświetlania logo. Pozwoli to nam na dalsze zmiany w postaci stworzenia przyklejonego nagłówka a także na lepszy dostęp do zwijalnego menu.

The approach we took was to separate the logo into three components - the logo itself, the wordmark (the stylized name of the wiki), and the tagline (the text that site beneath the logo, for example “the free encyclopedia” for Wikipedia). This allows increased flexibility when defining logos both for this project, as well as for future WMF and community initiatives.

Visually, the logos will appear in a horizontal layout, with the logo to the left, and the wordmark and tagline immediately to the right of it (see mockup below).

Wymagania i wytyczne co do projektu

The current design will feature the logo in a different configuration, as can be seen below:


The new header and logo setup introduces different constraints than were seen before. In particular:

  • The new logos will be image tags. This means that caching will need to be taken into account when changing any logos - i.e. the updated logos might take a few days to propagate throughout a wiki.
  • The new logos will be served as SVGs. No PNG fallbacks will be available. This means that for browsers that do not have JavaScript, the logos will be displayed as text only.

Testy na użytkownikach

We performed prototype testing with editors on a variety of wikis. This test included the new version of the header. The majority of users reported positive to neutral experiences to the new header and logo configuration. However, about 18 of the 226 editors tested (about 8%) expressed concerns with the size of the logo. The main concern stated was that the new configuration of the logo would not be as prominent and memorable as the current configuration. We share some of these concerns and will continue gathering feedback once the change is live on some of the production wikis.

We also believe that any effect this might have will be lessened once a persistent (sticky) header is introduced. Our current plan for the persistent header is to include the full or partial version of the logo throughout the reading experience, in addition to access to other functionality.

That said, we have explored other ways of making the logo more prominent - including centering it in the middle of the header, as can be seen in this prototype. Based on the feedback received from the test wikis, we will determine whether this is a direction we want explore more in the future:

Prototype of header and table of contents for an improved desktop interface for MediaWiki projects

Quantitative testing

As the current header changes are visual-only, we will not be performing any direct quantitative testing for this change. However, we will be monitoring important metrics such as account creation and pageview to note any overall effects.

Plan wdrażania

Pierwsze etapy wdrażania rozpoczęły się w maju 2020, na Office Wiki i Test Wiki i w najbliższych miesiącach zamierzamy wejść dalej na wiki, które zgłosiły się do testowania.