Reading/Multimedia/Scrum notes/marktraceur/archive/2014-03

2014-03-25 edit

Since last I wrote
Lots of conference prep, meetings, feature flag work, metrics clarification and betterment.
Probably concatenating long fields.

2014-03-14 edit

Since last I wrote
Metrics work, more feature flags, and loads of meetings.
Code review, helping out with share/embed if necessary.

2014-03-11 edit

Since last I wrote
Worked on slides for LibrePlanet, also a bunch of code review and work on the feature flags for Media Viewer.
Further feature flag work, and ideally more code review.

2014-03-07 edit

Since last I wrote
Finished embed/share feature, tossed off to aarcos for more work. Added config variable for per-site beta/pilot differentiation and wrote most of the associated config patch. Ignored maintenance icons in the viewer construction. Set up metrics dashboards.
Debugging metrics weirdness, possibly dealing with some bugs in MMV or UW. Hopefully migrating our labs instance too.

2014-03-03 edit

Refactoring on embed/share mostly.
Further refactoring (it's a bit hairy), then getting our dashboards set up on limn0.