This page is a translated version of the page Parsoid and the translation is 29% complete.

Parsoid是一个允许在wikitext和HTML之间来回转换的库。 原始应用程序是用JavaScript编写的(借助Node.js),并自2012年12月起在维基媒体集群上运行。 在2019年,Parsoid移植到PHP,维基媒体集群于2019年12月以PHP版本取代了JS版本。 Parsoid已经集成到MediaWiki核心,其目标是最终取代MediaWiki当前的本地解析器。 In early 2024, Parsoid began to be used on some production wikis as the default parser for read views.

艺术家对Parsoid HTML5 + RDFa wiki运行时的印象

Parsoid (PHP版本) 已经原生捆绑到2020年9月发布的MediaWiki版本1.35或更高版本中。 对于非维基媒体安装,Parsoid/JS在2021年9月MediaWiki 1.31(LTS)生命周期结束之前一直受支持。 The legacy parser will still be supported in MediaWiki 1.43 (LTS).



自2012年以来,它一直由维基媒体基金会的一个团队开发。 它目前被VisualEditor Structured discussions 内容翻译 其他应用广泛使用。


On Wikimedia wikis, for several applications, Parsoid is currently proxied behind RESTBase , which stores the HTML translated by Parsoid. It is expected that RESTBase will eventually be replaced with a cache more tightly integrated with MediaWiki.

For more on the overall project, see this blog post from March 2013. To read about the HTML model being used, see MediaWiki DOM spec.

Parsoid was originally structured as a web service and written in JavaScript, making use of Node.js. A tech talk from February 2019 (slides) and blog post describes the process of porting it to PHP. The Parsoid extension API is currently under active development; a tech talk from August 2020 describes this work.

GitHub Repository:



In MediaWiki 1.35 Parsoid/PHP is included in the bundle and loaded automatically by Visual Editor. No configuration necessary for MediaWiki 1.35 and later.

Parsoid exports an internal REST API which was historically used by RESTBase and not accessible outside the WMF internal cluster. This is no longer required for Visual Editor or core read views, and the internal API is being deprecated and is planned for removal in MW 1.43.

Parsoid is nominally a composer library used by mediawiki core. If you still require the internal API for some reason, you can explicitly load Parsoid "as an extension" by adding the following to LocalSettings.php:

wfLoadExtension( 'Parsoid', "$IP/vendor/wikimedia/parsoid/extension.json" );

Any remaining third-party users of the internal Parsoid API are strongly encouraged to migrate to the core REST HTML page endpoint which provides equivalent functionality.


Development happens in the Parsoid Git repository. Code review happens in Gerrit. See Gerrit/Getting started to set up an account for yourself.

If you use the MediaWiki-Vagrant development environment using a virtual machine, you can simply add the role visualeditor to it and it will set up a working Parsoid along with Extension:VisualEditor . (This may have been broken by the switch to Parsoid/PHP: T258940)

Note that the most-recently released version of Parsoid is written in PHP, and installation of Parsoid/PHP is what is described below. This is what you should use if you are running MediaWiki 1.35 or later. Check Parsoid/JS if you are running the old version of Parsoid written in JavaScript, and used for MW 1.34 and earlier.


In a standard MediaWiki installation, Parsoid is included from MediaWiki as a composer library, wikimedia/parsoid.

For development purposes you usually want to use a git checkout of Parsoid, and not the version bundled in MediaWiki core as a composer library. The following lines added to LocalSettings.php allow use of a git checkout of Parsoid (optionally), load the Parsoid REST API with wfLoadExtension (rather than using the version bundled in VisualEditor) and manually do the Parsoid configuration which is usually done by VisualEditor:

$parsoidInstallDir = 'vendor/wikimedia/parsoid'; # bundled copy
#$parsoidInstallDir = '/my/path/to/git/checkout/of/Parsoid';

// For developers: ensure Parsoid is executed from $parsoidInstallDir,
// (not the version included in mediawiki-core by default)
// Must occur *before* wfLoadExtension()
if ( $parsoidInstallDir !== 'vendor/wikimedia/parsoid' ) {
    function wfInterceptParsoidLoading( $className ) {
        // Only intercept Parsoid namespace classes
        if ( preg_match( '/(MW|Wikimedia\\\\)Parsoid\\\\/', $className ) ) {
           $fileName = Autoloader::find( $className );
           if ( $fileName !== null ) {
               require $fileName;
    spl_autoload_register( 'wfInterceptParsoidLoading', true, true );
    // AutoLoader::registerNamespaces was added in MW 1.39
    AutoLoader::registerNamespaces( [
        // Keep this in sync with the "autoload" clause in
        // $parsoidInstallDir/composer.json
        'Wikimedia\\Parsoid\\' => "$parsoidInstallDir/src",
    ] );

wfLoadExtension( 'Parsoid', "$parsoidInstallDir/extension.json" );

# 人工配置Parsoid
$wgVisualEditorParsoidAutoConfig = false;
$wgParsoidSettings = [
    'useSelser' => true,
    'rtTestMode' => false,
    'linting' => false,
$wgVirtualRestConfig['modules']['parsoid'] = [
    // URL to the Parsoid instance.
    // If Parsoid is not running locally, you should change $wgServer to match the non-local host 
    // While using Docker in macOS, you may need to replace $wgServer with http://host.docker.internal:8080
    // While using Docker in linux, you may need to replace $wgServer with
    'url' => $wgServer . $wgScriptPath . '/rest.php',
    // Parsoid "domain", see below (optional, rarely needed)
    // 'domain' => 'localhost',
unset( $parsoidInstallDir );

These lines are not necessary for most users of VisualEditor, who can use auto-configuration and the bundled Parsoid code included in MediaWiki 1.35 and VisualEditor, but they will be required for most developers.

If you're serving MediaWiki with Nginx, you'll need to also add something like this in your server block (Assuming your MediaWiki setup has its files residing in /w/):

location /w/rest.php/ {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /w/rest.php?$query_string;

To test proper configuration, visit {$wgScriptPath}/rest.php/{$domain}/v3/page/html/Main%20Page where $domain is the hostname in your $wgCanonicalServer. (Note that production WMF servers do not expose the Parsoid REST API to the external network.)


To run all parser tests and mocha tests:

$ composer test

The parser tests have quite a few options now which can be listed using php bin/parserTests.php --help.

If you have the environment variable MW_INSTALL_DIR pointing to a configured MediaWiki installation, you can run some additional tests with:

$ composer phan-integrated


You can convert simple wikitext snippets from the command line using the parse.php script in the bin/ directory:

echo 'Foo' | php bin/parse.php

The parse script has a lot of options. php bin/parse.php --help gives you information about this.


See Parsoid/Debugging for debugging tips.


As of October 2021

Parsoid is always available as a library since it is a composer dependency of MediaWiki core. But two pieces are not enabled:

  • Parsoid ServiceWiring
  • Parsoid's external REST api

The test runner Quibble would enable it if it detects mediawiki/services/parsoid.git has been cloned as part of the build. In which case it:

  • points the autoloader for Wikimedia\Parsoid to the cloned code (effectively replacing the version installed by composer)
  • 载入扩展 wfLoadExtension( 'Parsoid', '/path/to/cloned/repo' );

The ServiceWiring should be enabled in MediaWiki starting with 1.38.

The REST API would theorically never get merged in MediaWiki: a) it has never been exposed to the public in production, it is an internal API used by RESTBase which is going away; b) it never has been security audited and c) it is redundant with the enterprise MediaWiki API. The solution will be for VisualEditor to invoke Parsoid directly via the VisualEditor Action API which would save a round trip through the REST API.

Loading the extension is thus a hack which enables using interfaces subject to change and which we don't really want people to use yet.

For most purposes, parsoid should thus not be added as a CI dependency, the only exception as of October 2021 is the Disambiguator MediaWiki extension.

Loading parsoid as an extension let us run MediaWiki integration test jobs against mediawiki/services/parsoid.git (such as Quibble, apitesting) and ensure Parsoid and MediaWiki work together.

An extension may be able to write tests with Parsoid even when the repository has not been cloned. Since it is a composer dependency of MediaWiki core the MediaWiki\Parsoid namespace is available, but the service wiring part is not (it is extension/src in the Parsoid repository and exposed as the \MWParsoid namespace). The ParsoidTestFileSuite.php code would only run the parser tests if Parsoid has been loaded (which should be the default with MediaWiki 1.38).

For CI, Parsoid is tested against the tip of mediawiki, whereas mediawiki is tested with the composer dependency. In case of a breaking change, the Parsoid change get merged first (which breaks its CI but not MediaWiki one) and MediaWiki get adjusted when Parsoid is updated. It is thus a one way change.

Release build

For MediaWiki release builds, we have an integration of Parsoid ServiceWiring into VisualEditor in order to have VisualEditor work without further configuration (beside a wfLoadExtension( 'VisualEditor' )). The release build also enables the REST API and hook everything us so that parsoid works out of the box. This is done by copying a bit of parsoid code into VisualEditor which is not in the master branch of VisualEditor since that would be obsolete as soon as Parsoid is updated. Instead the code is maintained in two places.







If you need help or have questions/feedback, you can contact us in #mediawiki-parsoid connect or the wikitext-l mailing list. If all that fails, you can also contact us by email at content-transform-team at the domain.