Help:VisualEditor/VE jako funkcja eksperymentalna

This page is a translated version of the page Help:VisualEditor/VE as Beta Feature and the translation is 23% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Zrzut ekranu przestawiający sekcję w preferencjach
Możesz włączyć edytor wizualny poprzez wybranie opcji "Edycja w edytorze wizualnym" w sekcji funkcje eksperymentalne w preferencjach na wybranej wiki.

To jest szybki opis jak wspierać społeczność podczas gdy VisualEditor jest funkcją eksperymentalną dla zalogowanych użytkowników na Twojej wiki. Zwróć uwagę, że jest teraz podobny, bardziej aktualny przewodnik, który jest w tym momencie bardziej przydatny.

  1. The first step is involving your whole community to let them know VisualEditor is now available in Beta Features and to get further help with the following tasks. Tip: you can link to this page from your Village Pump, you can set up a sitenotice, or a watchlist notice for logged-in contributors.
  2. There is key documentation to translate, mainly the User guide and the interface itself. Tip: for more information and instructions, please see VisualEditor/TranslationCentral .
  3. Pomoc:TemplateData contains information about how to add TemplateData information to common templates on your wiki. This is important because if templates do not include this data, they will be difficult to use inside VisualEditor.
    There is now an editing tool that allows you to add TemplateData in a simpler way.
    Start with templates that are often used in articles, such as citation and reference templates, as well as infoboxes. The Special:MostTranscludedPages special page on your wiki might help you find out which are the most important templates you need to work on. The ones which are heavily used in the article namespace have the priority.
    Tip: check how other wikis did this. For example, here is the TemplateData for the {{Cite web}} template at the English Wikipedia. If you recently imported {{Cite web}} from that wiki and didn't customize it further, then copying and pasting their TemplateData will probably work for you.
  4. Check bugs on the local feedback page, if your wiki has one, to see if they are already known to developers. Tip: Reporting bugs or feature requests directly on Phabricator will catch the developers' attention more quickly.
    Learn how to file a task.
    You can also report problems by leaving a message at the central feedback page on this site.
  5. Patrollers might want to keep an eye on the log of edits made with VisualEditor. You can reach it from this link (you'll need to change language code and sister project name in the browser's address bar after you click on it).
    Tip: the highest chance to make mistakes with VisualEditor will actually come from experienced users, who'll just need some time to adapt to the new environment.
Please let the VisualEditor team know if you have further questions. Kliknij tutaj aby przejść do głównej strony opisującej edytor wizualny.