Help:Structured Discussions/通知とウォッチリスト

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Structured Discussions/Notifications and watchlist and the translation is 19% complete.
PD 注意: このページを編集すると、編集内容が CC0 のもとで公開されることに同意したと見なされます。詳細はパブリック・ドメインのヘルプ ページを参照してください。 PD


Structured Discussions に関する多くの情報を、通知を使用して受け取ることができます。

Notifications received

Actions with notifications

Highlight new messages

If you click on a notification for a new message, a blue highlighting will be displayed on the side of all new messages for the given Topic.

Highlight mentions or thanks

If you click on a notification for a mention or a thank on a Structured Discussions board, the message where the mention is has a green highlighting.

Actions from notifications

You can unwatch a topic from notifications. Click on the ... and then on "Stop watching activity".


You can turn off Structured Discussions notifications on your notifications preferences. Your watchlist will be still updated with a new line for every subject on a talk page you watch or a new line when someone answers a Topic you watch.

Watch a topic

To watch a specific subject, click on the star on the top of the Topic, near of the title. It turns blue. If it is already blue, you already were watching this topic.

While watching, you will get a notification for every edit to this Topic, and a new line in your watch list.

When you create a Topic, you are auto-subscribed to this Topic.

Watch a Talk page

To watch a whole page, click on the star on the top of the page, near of the search field. It turns blue. If it is already blue, you already were watching this page.

While watching, you get a notification for every new subject posted on this talk page. You will also get a watch list entry.