Front-end standards group/2016-06-08

Attending: Bartosz D., Jan D., Julien G., Volker E., Andrew R.-G., Roan K.

Social edit

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Action & Code edit

Follow-up edit

Does usage of localStorage fall under our cookie policy? edit

-> JD reaches out to legal -->
JD: If the data is not being sent to the servers, it does not fall under the cookie policy
Actually lists localStorage entires as well as cookies.

T102114 Cannot handle multiple HTMLForms in single SpecialPage edit needs to be reviewed

New quests edit

T65577 Create a "Watching and notifications" tab in MediaWiki core (JR) edit

RK: Was stalled in 2014 and RK will pick it up. Going to be under Collaboration responsibility.

--> Was decided to remove it from Group decision

T136458 Should HTML formatting/DOM manipulation (presentation, responsiveness) be done in JS (frontend) or in PHP (backend) [JG] edit

ES: HTML output on the client as simple as possible, from caching perspective backend rendering is not optimal.
RK: Is `px` or `%` defined by wikitext?
JG: It's defined in wikitext
RK: ES was probably concerned by having the same wikitext rendered differently.
-> JG will add clarification that information comes from wikitext – DONE

Standardized events system edit

ARG: Do we have a standardized events system?
RK: OOUI Mixin EventEmitter
OO.mixinClass( OO.ui.Widget, OO.EventEmitter );