Extension talk:LegalLogin

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Notice: Undefined index: fieldname in /home2/wwiiarch/public_html/includes/htmlform/HTMLFormField.php on line 520

Summary by Tosfos

Patch merged for version 1.38

Guillaume Taillefer (talkcontribs)

Whenever I try to sign into an account with LegalLogin set up, it repeats the following error message four times:

Notice: Undefined index: fieldname in /home2/wwiiarch/public_html/includes/htmlform/HTMLFormField.php on line 520

And it also just shows a blue hyperlink to the page that I am referencing. Also there are no errors for when I'm creating an account, it shows the scrollable page perfectly fine. Here is my code:

wfLoadExtension( 'LegalLogin' );

$wgLegalLoginPolicies = [

   'WAMoS' => [ // text from MediaWiki:Terms and Conditions of Use, title is the same

      'require scrolling' => true, // user must scroll it to down or open in popup windows before accept



Tosfos (talkcontribs)

We'll check this. Is there a URL where we can see the wiki? Which versions of MediaWiki and the extension are you using?

Guillaume Taillefer (talkcontribs)

Thanks, its wwii-archives.org

Pastakhov (talkcontribs)

It is already fixed in the master branch, you can use it on your wiki. Also I created patch to merge changes from master branch to 1_38 branch, it should be merged soon.

Guillaume Taillefer (talkcontribs)

Ok thanks I'll try it out and see if it works

Tosfos (talkcontribs)

Patch merged on REL1_38. Please note that there is no official support for non-LTS branches.

Bug: not possible to click when the policy contains a table of contents

Summary by X-Savitar

patch +2'd and merged.

Seb35 (talkcontribs)

(I’m not sure it is the right place to declare a bug.)

When one of the policy contains a table of contents, the button to confirm that all policies are accepted never becomes clickable.

The cause is in modules/policyField.js where the number of policies is determined by $policyCheckboxes = $( '.legal-login-field input[type=checkbox]' ) and the TOC contains an input of type checkbox since MediaWiki 1.32 (commit).

This can be solved by changing the jQuery expression by a stricter one $policyCheckboxes = $( '.legal-login-field > div.mw-ui-checkbox input[type=checkbox]' ).

Seb35 (talkcontribs)
X-Savitar (talkcontribs)

@Seb35, I've +2'd the change. Thanks! I'll go ahead and resolve this now.

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