
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:EImage/ei cache table and the translation is 23% complete.
Handbuch:Inhaltsübersicht MediaWiki-Datenbank-Layout eimage-Tabelle

Die ei_cache-Tabelle wurde ab Version 3.3 eingeführt und das Schema wurde ab Version 3.4 behoben.



Numeric id item of the clip. This is an auto-incrementing primary key.


Basic identifier of the clip. In real the sha1 checksum content value from the 'ei_clip' field. EImage use it for identification of the clip before load of source.


Set of the attributes used for clip create. Next instances use same clip, if source is same and attributes without change.


Sha1 checksum of the clip content, which is storage in cache. It's base string for clip and thumbnail name, and key for 'ei_pages' table items.


Original exif tags exported from source file, saved as JSON.


Counter of the clip use.


Width of the clip. It's need if EImage use the clip from cache.


Height of the clip It's need if EImage use the clip from cache.


Timestamp of the clip create.


Limit of the expiration.


Number for mimetype identify of the clip.

Schematische Übersicht

DESCRIBE ei_cache;

| Field          | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| ei_id          | int(10) unsigned    | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| ei_eid         | varbinary(40)       | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| ei_clip        | longblob            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| ei_file        | varbinary(40)       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| ei_origin_exif | longblob            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| ei_counter     | int(11)             | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| ei_width       | int(11)             | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| ei_height      | int(11)             | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| ei_ctime       | binary(14)          | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| ei_expire      | binary(14)          | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| ei_type        | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO   |     | 0       |                |


SHOW INDEX IN ei_cache;

| Table    | Non_unique | Key_name       | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment |
| ei_cache |          0 | PRIMARY        |            1 | ei_id       | A         |           9 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |
| ei_cache |          0 | ei_eid_create  |            1 | ei_eid      | A         |           9 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |
| ei_cache |          0 | ei_eid_create  |            2 | ei_file     | A         |           9 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE      |         |               |
| ei_cache |          1 | ei_expire_time |            1 | ei_expire   | A         |           2 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |