EMWCon Spring 2017/Embracing Scribunto

Embracing Scribunto
Pitfalls and complications in entity class management

Presenter     Tobias Oetterer
Event Enterprise MediaWiki Conference (EMWCon) Spring 2017
Date and time Friday 10 March 2017, 9:00 AM

Let’s assume, you want to create a new entity class for your wiki. Furthermore, let’s assume, it is already designed and ready to be implemented. What now?

I want you to take part in the experience I gained during the last years and my gradual shift from the conventional use of templates/forms to an extended system utilizing Extension:Scribunto. I’ll show you how a division of class description and implementation could look like, introduce a way of maintaining a unified codebase, give you a feeling of the possibilities lua offers, when taken to extreme, and finally let you have a first peak how creation, deployment and management of entity classes in a wiki could look like.

Be prepared to be confronted with opinions, see a struggling wikidev learn through failure and expect to be asked for insight into your own techniques.