Core Platform Team/Initiative/Serve read requests from multiple datacenters/Epics, User Stories, and Requirements

< Serve read requests from multiple datacenters

  • Replace all the DB slaves in codfw (need new hardware to support traffic)
  • Update and/or replace GTID_Wait / heartbeat
  • Decide where to move mainstash data (non-session data in Redis)
  • Migrate mainstash data to new location
  • Decide what is the acceptable replication lag for MediaWiki?
    • Current lag is 10-15 seconds. ~1 second would be acceptable for 90% of reads get what they need, last 10% needs reengineering
  • Evaluate lag for codfw, if not acceptable, then engineer a solution
  • Update MediaWiki code to wait for replication (if needed)
  • TLS Proxy work
  • Separate traffic on varnish level
  • Serve thumbnails