Core Platform Team/Initiative/Quantify and reduce coupling in MediaWiki Core/Initiative Description

< Quantify and reduce coupling in MediaWiki Core


This project aims to improve the modularity of the MediaWiki code base by reducing instances of tight coupling, with a focus on removing cyclic dependencies between components.

Significance and Motivation

Small components with well defined interfaces are easier to understand and maintain than large complex components. Tight coupling between components, especially if circular, means that the two components behave as one, and cannot be understood or modified independently.

By removing coupling, we allow code to be put in a library. This makes future coupling impossible since it is no longer in the code base. It also makes our code usable in other projects outside of MediaWiki.

Having smaller components that can be understood and maintained separately means it becomes easier to modify the software, easier to find bugs, and easier to train new engineers to work on the software. All of these factors contribute to the goal of delivering improvements to our users more quickly.

Current investigation is ongoing here:

This project is likely to be scoped into smaller projects which are focused on specific parts of the code base.


Architect our code, services and infrastructure for change and sustainability

Baseline Metrics


Target Metrics



Extension developers

Core code developers

Known Dependencies/Blockers

Adding API integration tests

Architecture Principles