
MediaWiki version:

GET request to list all categories that fit certain criteria relating to their titles.

This module can be used as a generator .

API documentation edit

list=allcategories (ac)

(main | query | allcategories)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • This module can be used as a generator.
  • Source: MediaWiki
  • License: GPL-2.0-or-later

Enumerate all categories.

Specific parameters:
Other general parameters are available.

The category to start enumerating from.


When more results are available, use this to continue. More detailed information on how to continue queries can be found on mediawiki.org.


The category to stop enumerating at.


Search for all category titles that begin with this value.


Direction to sort in.

One of the following values: ascending, descending
Default: ascending

Only return categories with at least this many members.

Type: integer

Only return categories with at most this many members.

Type: integer

How many categories to return.

Type: integer or max
The value must be between 1 and 500.
Default: 10

Which properties to get:

Adds number of pages in the category.
Tags categories that are hidden with __HIDDENCAT__.
Values (separate with | or alternative): hidden, size
Default: (empty)
List categories with information on the number of pages in each.
api.php?action=query&list=allcategories&acprop=size [open in sandbox]
Retrieve info about the category page itself for categories beginning List.
api.php?action=query&generator=allcategories&gacprefix=List&prop=info [open in sandbox]

Example edit

GET request edit

Get a list of all categories, starting from "15th-century caliphs".

Response edit

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "continue": {
        "accontinue": "15th-century_churches_in_Denmark",
        "continue": "-||"
    "query": {
        "allcategories": [
                "*": "15th-century caliphs"
                "*": "15th-century calligraphers"
                "*": "15th-century card games"

Sample code edit

Python edit



    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Allcategories` module: Get all categories, starting from a
    certain point, as ordered by category title.

    MIT License

import requests

S = requests.Session()

URL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php"

    "action": "query",
    "format": "json",
    "list": "allcategories",
    "acfrom": "15th-century caliphs"

R = S.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS)
DATA = R.json()

CATEGORIES = DATA["query"]["allcategories"]

for cat in CATEGORIES:

PHP edit


    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Allcategories` module: Get all categories, starting from a certian point, as ordered by category title.

    MIT License

$endPoint = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php";
$params = [
    "action" => "query",
    "format" => "json",
    "list" => "allcategories",
    "acfrom" => "15th-century caliphs"

$url = $endPoint . "?" . http_build_query( $params );

$ch = curl_init( $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
$output = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );

$result = json_decode( $output, true );

foreach( $result["query"]["allcategories"] as $k => $v ) {
    echo( $v["*"] . "\n" );

JavaScript edit


    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Allcategories` module: Get all categories, starting from a certain point, as ordered by category title.

    MIT License

var url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php"; 

var params = {
    action: "query",
    format: "json",
    list: "allcategories",
    acfrom: "15th-century caliphs"

url = url + "?origin=*";
Object.keys(params).forEach(function(key){url += "&" + key + "=" + params[key];});

    .then(function(response){return response.json();})
    .then(function(response) {
        var categories = response.query.allcategories;
        for (var cat in categories) {

MediaWiki JS edit


	MediaWiki API Demos
	Demo of `Allcategories` module: Get all categories,
	starting from a certian point, as ordered by category title.

	MIT License

var params = {
		action: 'query',
		format: 'json',
		list: 'allcategories',
		acfrom: '15th-century caliphs'
	api = new mw.Api();

api.get( params ).done( function ( data ) {
	var categories = data.query.allcategories,
	for ( cat in categories ) {
		console.log( categories[ cat ][ '*' ] );
} );

Additional notes edit

  • This module differs from list=allpages&alnamespace=14 in that categories without descriptions will be listed, while redirects and pages where the category was never used will not.
  • The response may include categories that were previously used but have since been deleted.
  • Because the response may include categories that are deleted or otherwise empty, it is recommended to filter the list using acmin=1, so as to only return categories containing one or more members.

See also edit